Storm (comic)

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Storm is a comic series that originally came from the illustrator Don Lawrence and various authors and appeared from 1976 in the Dutch comic magazine Eppo ; from volume 10 up to and including volume 25, all albums were written by Martin Lodewijk . After Lawrence's death in late 2003, the series was suspended. Since 2007 it has been continued from volume 23 by the cartoonists Romano Molenaar and Jorg De Vos . After Martin Lodewijk retired, Jorg de Vos also took over as an author (together with Rob van Bavel since volume 27).

In terms of content, "Storm" is a mixture of science fiction and fantasy . In Germany, "Storm" was published in 1978 in Kobra (magazine) as a sequel story. The German-language individual volumes were first published in 1980 in the Ehapa series Die Große Phantastic-Comics (58 albums up to 1987, 15 of which were "Storm" albums), later as a separate booklet series Storm again by Ehapa (22 albums, 1989-2002). Since March 2008 the Splitter Verlag has secured the rights for a new edition as a hardcover including a new translation, and future albums will also be published by Splitter.


The "Storm" adventures can be divided into two sub-cycles:

In the first 9 albums, the hero Storm experiences The Chronicles of the World of the Deep , after he had an accident as an astronaut and member of a Jupiter mission, making a journey into the future and now returning to an earth on which the oceans have disappeared and instead barbaric civilizations , Mutants and monsters of all kinds populate the earth. On top of that, the earth is threatened again and again by the alien Azureans who want to keep the few remaining free people as uneducated slaves.

Right at the beginning of Volume 1 of these adventures, Storm meets his future comrade Rothaar , an Amazon-like, combative human woman. While it is never explicitly stated, it is clear that she is not only Storm's partner in their adventures together.

Storm himself seems a bit wooden at the beginning of the series, but is later increasingly portrayed as a combative antihero . In the course of the episodes his body is drawn more and more muscular, while redhead always retains an erotic - feminine aura.

At the end of this first partial cycle, the series gradually ran out of originality in terms of content and the adventures became predictable. This changed permanently with Lodewijk's permanent collaboration as a copywriter and story writer from volume 10 and the beginning of the second sub-cycle, which continues to this day, The Chronicles of Pandarve (20 albums so far, volumes 10 to 29).

Storm and Rothaar are teleported to the planet Pandarve , which is located in a parallel universe , because the theocrat Marduk there , a recurring opponent of Storms in the future, is through Storm, whom he describes as an "anomaly" (Storm is a disruption of the universal through his time travel Has become equilibrium), who hopes for final and eternal rule over the planet.

Pandarve itself is not only a planet, but at the same time a living being that sometimes manifests itself as a human or animal appearance and thus can interact with Storm. The stories often develop surreal moments, for example when Pandarve presents himself as Marilyn Monroe or Alice or the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland . On Pandarve, Storm also meets Nomad , an extremely powerful red-skinned prince who accompanies him and Redhead on their adventures for several episodes.

Since completely different physical laws apply in the so-called Pandarve Universe than on Earth (e.g. pandarve and countless other planets or asteroids circle around a white hole ; the air of space is breathable; sailing ships fly through space, etc.) , there are considerably more possibilities for the decoration of the plot than would have been possible if Storms and Redhair had stayed on earth. In addition, many of the locations are shown in a very imaginative way.


The interim spin-off Storm - The Chronicles from the Interim , generated neither by Lawrence nor by Lodewijk, was discontinued after three albums.

The first Storm episode is a revised version of the independent previous album Commandant Grek , with which, according to the preface to "Grek", the Eppo editorial team was not satisfied due to insufficient character and story depth, which is why the planned new comic series "Grek" after just this one a band had been discontinued.

Single volumes

The Storm series albums by title, author and year of publication
number title Year of publication (new edition) author Illustrator nl. title engl. title
0 Commandant Grek 1976 Vince Wernham Don Lawrence Gevangen van de tijd Commander Grek
The chronicles of the world of the deep
1 The vanished sea 1978 (2008) Philip 'Saul' Dunn Don Lawrence De diepe wereld The Deep World
2 The new world 1979 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De Laatste Vechter The Last Fighter
3 The people of the desert 1979 Dick Matena Don Lawrence Het Volk van de Woestijn The People of the Desert
4th The green hell 1980 Dick Matena Don Lawrence De Groene Hel The Green Hell
5 Fight for earth 1980 Dick Matena Don Lawrence De Strijd om de Aarde The Battle for Earth
6th The secret of the neutron beams 1981 Dick Matena Don Lawrence The Secret Van de Nitronstralen The Secret of the Nitron Rays
7th The legend of Yggdrasil 1981 Kelvin Gosnell Don Lawrence The legend of Yggdrasil The Legend of Yggdrasil
8th City of the Damned 1982 Kelvin Gosnell Don Lawrence City of Verdoemden City of the Damned
9 The wrong gods 1982 Don Lawrence Don Lawrence De Sluimerende Dood The Creeping Death
The Chronicles of Pandarve
10 Pirate planet Pandarve 1983 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De piraten van Pandarve The Pirates of Pandarve
11 In the palace of horror 1983 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence Het doolhof van de dood The Labyrinth of Death
12 The monsters of Aromater 1984 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De zeven van Aromater The Seven of Aromaters
13 On an eternal journey 1985 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De doder van Eriban The Slayer of Eriban
14th The Hellhounds of Marduk 1985 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De honden van Marduk The Hounds of Marduk
15th The living planet 1986 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De levende planeet The Living Planet
16 Vandal the destroyer 1987 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence Vandaahl de verderver Vandaahl the Destroyer
17th The turning world 1988 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De wentelwereld The Twisted World
18th The Danderzei robots 1990 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De robots van Danderzei The Robots of Farseid
19th The red prince 1991 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De terugkeer van de roode prins Return of the Red Prince
20th The von Neumann machine 1993 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De Von Neumann-Machine The Von Neumann Machine
21st The Genesis Formula 1995 (1996) Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De Genesis Formule The Genesis Equation
22nd The Armageddon Traveler 2001 Martin Lodewijk Don Lawrence De Armageddon Lovely The Armageddon Traveler
23 The navel of the double god 2007 Martin Lodewijk Romano Molenaar, Jorg De Vos De Navel van de Dubbele God The Navel of the Double God
24 Marduk's source 2009 Martin Lodewijk Romano Molenaar, Jorg De Vos De Bronnen van Marduk Marduk's Springs
25th The red trail 2010 Martin Lodewijk Romano Molenaar, Jorg De Vos Het Rode Spoor The Red Trail
26th The mutineers from Anker 2011 Jorg de Vos Romano Molenaar, Jorg De Vos De Muiters van Anker The Mutineers of Anchor
27 The switchman 2012 Jorg de Vos, Rob van Bavel Romano Molenaar, Jorg De Vos De wisselwachters The Guards of the Tracks
28 The race of opal 2013 Dick Matena Romano Molenaar, Jorg De Vos De Race Van Opaal The Race of Opale City
29 The corals of Kesmee 2016 Romano Molenaar , Rob van Bavel Jorg de Vos Het koraal van Kesmee -
30th The executioner of Torkien 2017 Romano Molenaar , Rob van Bavel Romano Molenaar De beul van Torkien -
31 The Krijs institution 2019 Romano Molenaar , Rob van Bavel Romano Molenaar Het struck van Krijs -
The chronicles from the meantime
1 The Voyager virus 1996 Martin Lodewijk John Kelly Het Voyager Virus The Voyager Virus
2 The Dallas Paradox 1997 Martin Lodewijk John Kelly De Dallas Paradox The Dallas Paradox
3 The star eater 1998 Martin Lodewijk Dick Matena De Sterrenvreter The Eater of Stars
4th - (unpublished) - Martin Lodewijk Dick Matena De Ruimte van Klein Small space
The chronicles of the outer ring
1 The Exile of Thum 2013 Willem Ritstier Minck Oosterveer De banneling van Thoem -
The Chronicles of Rothaar
1 The legend of krill 2016 Roy Thomas Roman Molenaar De legende van Krill -
2 The fifth tower 2016 Rob van Bavel Roman Molenaar De vijfde gates -
3 Noorach's Ark 2017 Rob van Bavel Roman Molenaar De ark van Noorach -
4th The floating region 2018 Rob van Bavel Roman Molenaar Het Zwevende gewest -


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kobra, issues 9 to 16, year 1978
  2. Storm - a comic classic from March 2008 new at Splitter. Archived from the original on October 6, 2008 .;