Criminal Code (Turkey)
Basic data | |
Title: | Turk Ceza Kanunu |
Short title: | Ceza Kanunu |
Abbreviation: | TCK |
Number: | 5237 |
Type: | law |
Scope: | Republic of Turkey |
Adoption date: | September 26, 2004 |
Official Journal : | No. 25611 BC October 12, 2004 |
Last change by: | G. No. 5759 of April 30, 2008 |
Effective date of the last change: |
May 8, 2008 |
Please note the note on the applicable legal version . |
The Turkish penal code ( Turkish: Türk Ceza Kanunu ; abbreviation TCK , in German-speaking countries also tStGB ) regulates the core matter of criminal law in Turkey .
The first penal code of the republic proclaimed on October 29, 1923 was Law No. 765 of March 1, 1926, which went back to the Italian penal code of 1889 (“ Codice Zanardelli ”), which was regarded as “particularly modern and successful” and replaced the the French ( Code pénal impérial of 1810) translated and modified Ottoman Penal Code of 1858. The adjustments made when the law was drawn up included a. the inclusion of the death penalty or the adoption of sexual offenses from the Ottoman Criminal Code, with which homosexuality or prostitution , for example, were not punishable. In the 1930s, the Italian criminal law reforms carried out under Mussolini's dictatorship from 1930 ( see Codice Rocco ) were incorporated into the Turkish penal code.
In view of possible EU accession and the associated start of accession negotiations , efforts to carry out a major reform of criminal law intensified. The new Criminal Code with the number 5237 was passed by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on September 26, 2004 and should initially come into force on April 1, 2005. Due to renewed discussions about the law, the date of entry into force with corresponding changes (including Art. 344 tStGB) was postponed to June 1, 2005 by Act No. 5328 of March 31, 2005.
See also
- Mehmet Emin Artuk, Ahmet Gökcen, Ahmet Caner Yenidünya: TCK Şerhi . 1st edition. Ankara 2009, ISBN 978-9944-265-89-8 .
- Veli Özer Özbek: TCK İzmir Şerhi (Izmir commentary). 2nd Edition. Ankara 2005.
- İzzet Özgenç: Türk Ceza Kanunu Gazi Şerhi (Gazi Commentary). 2nd Edition. Ankara 2005.
Reference books
- general part
- Mehmet Emin Artuk, Ahmet Gökcen, Ahmet Caner Yenidünya: Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler . 3. Edition. Ankara 2007, ISBN 975-6194-62-6 .
- Timur Demirbaş: Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler . 5th edition. Ankara 2007, ISBN 978-975-02-0615-3 .
- Hakan Hakeri: Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler . 7th edition. Ankara 2008, ISBN 978-975-02-0840-9 .
- İzzet Özgenç: Türk Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler . 3. Edition. Ankara 2008, ISBN 978-975-02-0822-5 .
- special part
- Mehmet Emin Artuk, Ahmet Gökcen, Ahmet Caner Yenidünya: Ceza Hukuku Özel Hükümler . 9th edition. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 2008, ISBN 975-6486-54-6 .
- Doğan Soyaslan: Ceza Hukuku Özel Hükümler . 5th edition. Ankara 2005, ISBN 975-464-234-6 .
- Durmuş Tezcan, Mustafa Ruhan Erdem, Rıfat Murat Önok: Teorik ve Pratik Ceza Özel Hukuku . 6th edition. Ankara 2008, ISBN 978-975-02-0853-9 .
Web links
- Legal text (Turkish)
- Translation of Selected Articles of the Turkish Penal Code (from the Turkish Democratic Forum)
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b Silvia Tellenbach: The Turkish Penal Code / Türk Ceza Kanunu of March 1, 1926 as of January 31, 2001. German translation and introduction by Silvia Tellenbach. In: Albin Eser, Hans-Jörg Albrecht (Hrsg.): Collection of foreign penal codes in German translation. Bilingual edition, 2nd edition. 110, edition iuscrim, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg im Breisgau 2001, ISBN 3-86113-921-9 , p. 1.
- ↑ Duygun Yarsuvat: Türk Ceza Kanununda Cinsel Özgürlüğe Karşı Suçlar. In: Değişen Toplum ve Ceza Hukuku Karşısında TCK'nın 50 Yılı ve Geleceği. İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Faküllei Yayını, Istanbul 1977, p. 648 ff.
- ↑ Christian Rumpf: Introduction to Turkish Law . CH Beck, Munich 2004, ISBN 978-3-406-51293-3 , p. 391.
- ↑ Adem Sözüer: The new Turkish Penal Code . In: Silvia Tellenbach (Ed.): The new Turkish criminal law and criminal procedure law . Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag (BWV), Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-8305-1538-8 ( German-Turkish legal studies . Volume 6), p. 11.
- ↑ Silvia Tellenbach: Reforms in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Prison Execution - A First Overview of the Turkish Reform Laws of 2004 ( Memento of the original from January 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 177.44 KB). Online publication, Internet portal for law and economics in Turkey , summer 2005, p. 1.