Museum of the Johann Strauss Dynasty

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Museum of the Johann Strauss Dynasty
Facade of the Johann Strauss Museum. Jpg

Museum entrance
place Vienna 9 , Müllnergasse 3
Musician museum
opening March 2015

The Museum of the Johann Strauss Dynasty (Strauss Museum Vienna) in Vienna, which opened in March 2015, shows the history of the Strauss Dynasty using original documents, engravings and photographs. H. by Johann Strauss father , his sons Johann , Josef and Eduard Strauss as well as Johann Strauss (grandson) . The director of the museum is Prof. Helmut Reichenauer .


The Museum of the Johann Strauss Dynasty was founded by the Kulturverein Wiener Blut to present its collection of picture, sheet music and audio documents on the family and work history of Johann Strauss' father and his sons. The museum opened on March 18, 2015. Concert slips, posters, copperplate engravings, lithographs , xylographs , photos and title pages of first editions are shown in seven rooms . Using these originals from the 19th century, the rise of the Strauss family is explained against their historical and social background.


Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Göpfert, “Wiener Blut” cultural association ( Memento from May 4, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), 2014
  2. http ://www.mein

Web links

Commons : Strauss Museum  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files