Storm cone

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Sturm Kegel (born December 17, 1892 in Wehlheiden , † January 13, 1979 in Essen ; full name: Sturmius Maria Alfred Augustinus Kegel ) was a German architect , town planner and construction officer . In the 1950s he was director of the Ruhr coal district settlement association (Ruhrsiedlungsverband; today: Regional Association Ruhr ). He is considered a pioneer in air pollution control in Germany.


Sturm Kegel was the son of the master builder Georg Kegel and was born in 1892 in Wehlheiden, now part of Kassel . He was a great-grandson of the Kamchatka explorer Johann Karl Ehrenfried Kegel .


From 1912 to 1920, interrupted by the First World War, he studied architecture and urban planning at the Technical University of Hanover . Like his father, he became a member of the Catholic student union AV Gothia in KV . After his father's death, from 1913 - interrupted by military service in the First World War - until 1920 he was still in charge of his father's architecture office in Kassel. In 1920 he completed his studies as a graduate engineer and then worked in Ludwigshafen as a government building manager ( trainee lawyer in the public building administration). Here he became an active member of the recently founded Catholic student association K.St.V. Eckart Mannheim in the KV. In 1922 he passed the 2nd state examination to become a government architect ( assessor ). In the hierarchy of the state building administration, he made it up to the government and building council . From 1923 to 1926 he worked at the Reichsneubauamt Ludwigswinkel , from 1926 at the municipal building administration in Haspe , and when Haspe was incorporated into Hagen in 1929, he was taken on as a senior building officer.

In 1934 he came to Essen and worked there as an alderman and building department ; after 1945 he was in charge of the reconstruction of the city, which was badly damaged in the war. From 1951 until his retirement on January 1, 1958, Sturm Kegel was the association director of the Ruhr coal district settlement association .


Kegel is considered a pioneer in air pollution control in Germany. As early as 1952, he presented his own air quality concept to the public in the form of a draft law. According to this, all air polluters in the area should be brought together in an air cooperative, which should design technical guidelines for air purification and initiate thorough cleaning measures. Large-scale industry should finance the filter units required for air improvement from its own resources. ("Anyone who has the right to earn a lot of money also has the duty to keep the country free from dust and gas.") In doing so, he achieved that this topic emerged in the public consciousness and that the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia took up the topic for the first time.

He volunteered in the Association for the Preservation of Xanten Cathedral , of which he was chairman from 1961, and he promoted the reconstruction of the cathedral. He was the deputy chairman of the Scientific Association for Transport in Essen.

Kegel was an enthusiastic KVer, until his death he was chairman of the old gentlemen's association of Gothia Hannover , in whose fraternity house a room is named after Sturmius Kegel. In addition, Kegel had been an honorary philistine at the K.St.V. Carolingia Aachen and member of other KV connections.

In 1956 he was appointed Knight of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher by Cardinal Grand Master Nicola Cardinal Canali and invested on April 29, 1956 by Lorenz Jaeger , Grand Prior of the German Lieutenancy .

See also


  • The Ruhr region. Face of an industrial landscape. Verlag Die Schönen Bücher, 1952.
  • Richard Gessner. A painter sees the Ruhr area. 1953. (together with Otto Brües)
  • Special features of the Rhenish-Westphalian economic area. Scientific Association for Transport, Essen 1953.
  • The Ruhr coal district settlement association. The organizing hand in the Ruhr area. Ruhr Coal District Settlement Association, Essen 1953. (together with Gerhard Steinhauer)
  • The district lives according to tough laws. De peculiarities of the Ruhr area. Federal Center for Homeland Service, 1954. (together with Gerhard Steinhauer)
  • Order in road traffic concerns everyone! Basic theses and demands on road traffic policy. Scientific Association for Transport, Essen 1958.


  • Siegfried Koß in Siegfried Koß, Wolfgang Löhr (Hrsg.): Biographisches Lexikon des KV. 2nd part (= Revocatio historiae. Volume 3). SH-Verlag, Schernfeld 1993, ISBN 3-923621-98-1 , p. 65 f.
  • Walter Habel (Ed.): Who is who? 17th edition, Schmidt-Römhild Verlag, 1971, p. 515.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kai F. Hünemörder: The Early History of the Global Environmental Crisis and the Formation of German Environmental Policy (1950–1973) . Dissertation University of Kiel, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002, ISBN 3-515-08188-7 .
  2. a b To blue skies - Der Spiegel, August 9, 1961
  3. Your chimney is smoking - Der Spiegel, May 30, 1956
  4. Frank Uekötter: From the smoke plague to the ecological revolution . Klartext, Essen 2003, ISBN 3-89861-195-7 .