Substantia nigra

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Position of the substantia nigra
Human brain
Location of the substantia nigra
(blue arrow, 29), frontal section

Substantia nigra (also Soemmerring ganglion after Samuel Thomas von Soemmerring ) describes a part of the brain . This is a core complex in the area of ​​the midbrain ( mesencephalon ), which isdarkly colored ( Latin niger (fem. Nigra ), black ')due to a high intracellular content of iron and melanin .


The substantia nigra is located in the mesencephalon dorsal to the cerebral legs . Morphologically, a distinction is made between a dark pars compacta ( SNc ) with densely packed, melanin-containing nerve cells and a reddish pars reticulata ( SNr ), whose nerve cells stand out due to their particularly high iron content.

Nerve fibers ( afferents ) supplying the substantia nigra run from the motor cortex and the premotor cortex, which are referred to as the corticonigrales fibers . In addition, there are afferents from the caudate nucleus and the putamen , which are called strionigrales fibers .

The nerve fibers leading out ( efferents ) run over the nigrostriatal fibra to the striatum (= caudate nucleus and putamen combined) and to the thalamus . Various neurotransmitters can be detected histochemically in the neurons of the substantia nigra. A particularly high dopamine content is impressive in the pars compacta .


Networking of the nuclei in the basal ganglia system

The substantia nigra is incorporated into various circuits of the extrapyramidal motor system and is in this way connected to the cerebral cortex , striatum , subthalamic nucleus , thalamus and other brain structures. Signals are transmitted via their dopaminergic neurons that have a particular effect on planning and the beginning of a movement (“starter function”).


A failure of the dopaminergic system leads to the loss of the inhibition of other components of the circuit and thus to the symptoms of Parkinson's disease . In contrast, failure of the subthalamic nucleus or the external parts of the globus pallidus leads to a relative hyperfunction of the neurons of the substantia nigra and thus to diseases such as Huntington's disease (pallidum) or hemiballism (subthalamic nucleus).


Web links

Commons : Substantia nigra  - collection of images, videos and audio files