Sunk Lake

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Sunk Lake
Geographical location Ross Island ( Ross Archipelago , Antarctica )
Coordinates 77 ° 34 '26 "  S , 166 ° 14' 44"  O Coordinates: 77 ° 34 '26 "  S , 166 ° 14' 44"  O
Sunk Lake (Antarctica)
Sunk Lake


permanently frozen over

The Sunk Lake ( English for Sunken Lake ) is one of the numerous frozen small freshwater lakes on the Antarctic Ross Island . The lake is located between the Deep Lake and the coast at Cape Royds .

Participants in the Nimrod Expedition (1907-1909), led by the British polar explorer Ernest Shackleton, discovered and mapped it. The lake owes its name to the fact that its water level is around 4.5 meters below sea level.

See also

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