Susan Pollock

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Susan Marsha Pollock (born December 22, 1955 ) is an American archaeologist . Since 2014 she has been a professor at the Institute for Near Eastern Archeology at the Free University of Berlin . Her main research interests include the archeology of Iran and Mesopotamia, feminism and gender in archeology and cultural anthropology , theories of subjectivation and the political dimension in today's archeology.


Susan Pollock received her BA in Anthropology and Classical Civilizations from Cornell University in 1976 , her MA in 1978 and PhD in Anthropology in 1983 with a specialization in Near Eastern Archeology from the University of Michigan . She became an assistant (1985) and associate professor (1994) in 2001 (now on leave) at the State University of New York at Binghamton. In 2009 Pollock became a visiting professor and in 2014 a professor at the Institute for Near Eastern Archeology at the Free University of Berlin.

Pollock has long worked on the development of state and urban societies and their roots in Neolithic villages in Southwest Asia. Her work focuses on research into households and political economy, feminist research in archeology and the political economy of archaeological practice.

Archaeological field research

Susan Pollock worked on other projects 1985–1988 and 1990 at Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh , Iraq. 1996–1998 she explored the Kazane Höyük in southeast Turkey. In 2003 excavations followed in Toll-e Bashi, Fars, Iran, 2005 excavations in Rahmatabad, Fars , Iran. Two campaigns, 1998–2001 and 2008, took her to Fistikli Höyük in south-east Turkey. Since 2010 she has been carrying out an excavation in Monjukli Depe , South Turkmenistan. Some of these and the 2012-2014 excavations of Nazi forced labor camps of Lufthansa and Weser Flugzeugbau GmbH as well as of the " KZ Columbia " on Tempelhofer Feld (Berlin) were carried out together with Reinhard Bernbeck , as well as the 2015 excavations in the " Halbmondlager " World War I in Wünsdorf (Brandenburg). In 2015–2016, remains of human bodies were found in the main library and in the garden of the CeDiS building of the Free University of Berlin, formerly the site of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics , which she also excavated and documented.


  • Ancient Mesopotamia: The Eden that Never Was Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1999)
  • With Reinhard Bernbeck (Ed.), Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives Oxford: Blackwell. (2005)
  • With Maria Theresia Starzmann and Reinhard Bernbeck (Eds.), Imperial Inspections: Archeology, War, and Violence, Archaeologies 4 (3) . (2008)
  • With Reinhard Bernbeck and Kamyar Abdi (eds.) The 2003 Excavations at Tol-e Baši, Iran: Social Life in a Neolithic Village, Archeology in Iran and Turan 10 Mainz: Philipp von Zabern. (2010)
  • Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Toward to Archeology of Commensal Spaces . Berlin Studies of the Ancient World (2015 [2012])

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Library of Congress Name Authority File , accessed November 28, 2018.
  2. a b Susan Pollock , on the website of the Free University of Berlin
  3. Pollock, Susan - Topoi. In: Retrieved November 28, 2018 .