Sutras column of the Ksitigarbha Temple

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The sutras stone pillar of Ksitigarbha Temple ( Chinese  地藏寺经幢 , Pinyin Dizang sì Jingchuang , English Sutra Pillar of the Ksitigarbha Temple / Dali Sutra Pillar ) is a pagoda-like sandstone column in the column Park ( Guchuang gong yuan ) on the Tuodong Road from Kunming , Yunnan Province , China.

The inscriptions are mostly Buddhist sutras from the Kingdom of Dali , a historical kingdom of the Bai in the area of ​​today's Yunnan Province (937-1253) in the (Chinese) period of the Song Dynasty .

The column is octagonal and its seven floors are decorated with Buddhist images, statues of wild guardian deities stand on subjugated demons. It is provided with Sanskrit and Chinese inscriptions, including the Usnisa vijaya dharani Sutra ( 佛顶 尊胜 陀罗尼 , Foding Zunsheng tuoluoni ) and the Heart Sutra ( 般若 波罗密 多心 经 , Banruo boluomiduo xinjing ) and other texts.

The 6.7 m high column has been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (2-45) since 1982 .


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Coordinates: 25 ° 2 ′ 7 ″  N , 102 ° 43 ′ 37 ″  E