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Essex in the early Anglo-Saxon period

Swæfberht (also Swaefbert, Swebriht ; † 738 ) was king of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Essex from 709 to 738 .


The exact chronology around his inauguration is unclear. According to William of Malmesbury , a 12th century historian, Saelred was the successor to the abdicated King Offa and is said to have ascended the throne in 709. Modern historians, however, consider Swæfberht (709-738) to be Offa's successor, who was eventually followed by Saelred. A common rule of Swæfberht (709–738) and Saelred (? –746) is also represented. No further details about Swæfberht's government have survived. Symeon of Durham , a historian of the 11/12. Century wrote in his chronicle De Gestis Regum Anglorum for the year 738 only that " Swebriht , King of the East Saxons, died".



  • Michael Lapidge, John Blair, Simon Keynes, Donald Scragg (Eds.): The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford et al. a. 2001, ISBN 978-0-631-22492-1 .
  • John Cannon, Anne Hargreaves: The Kings and Queens of Britain , Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009 (2nd revised edition), ISBN 978-0-19-955922-0 , p. 27.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kings of Essex (East Saxons) in Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
  2. Simon Keynes: Kings of the East Saxons , In: Lapidge et al. (Ed.): The Blackwell Enzyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England , pp. 510-511.
  3. John Cannon, Anne Hargreaves: The Kings and Queens of Britain , Oxford University Press, 2009 (2nd revised edition), ISBN 978-0-19-955922-0 , p. 27.
predecessor Office successor
King of Essex
around 709-738