Synagogue (Soest)

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The synagogue at Osthofenstrasse 52 was the house of worship of the Jewish community in Soest . It was inaugurated in August 1822 by Rabbi Abraham Sutro from Münster . The building, which was last heavily renovated in 1882, and the “Israelite elementary school ”, which has been in the immediate vicinity since 1858 , were completely destroyed by arson during the November pogrom in 1938 .

Before the synagogue was built, there had been a prayer room in Jakob Stern's house at Thomästraße 22 since the 18th century . .
The synagogue offered space for up to 200 prayers. In the shape of the prayer room after 1882, the Torah shrine was framed by two classical white columns. To the right of the Aron was the pulpit of unusual, bulbous shape with neo-baroque echoes, in the central position of the Almemor . Furthermore, the prayer room had been equipped with an organ (previously a harmonium ) since the 1880s .


The synagogue and school were set on fire by the SA and SS during the All Saints' Fair on November 9th, and the fire brigade prevented the flames from spreading to neighboring houses. The plot of land sold by the municipality to the city in November was later rebuilt in the front area and used by a bus company for a while. A memorial plaque on the Osthofenstrasse 50 building has been commemorating the site of the former synagogue since 1979.

The Jewish community was founded in 1819. It received its statutes in 1831, but it was not confirmed until 1846 by the district government in Arnsberg . The catchment area of ​​the synagogue community, which had followed the radical reformist direction since around 1840, included the Jewish population from Ampen , Körbecke , Lohne , Ostönnen and Sassendorf as well as Hovestadt and Oestinghausen . In 1932, 192 people belonged to the community, the majority from the core town of Soest and 9 from Bad Sassendorf, 5 Hovestadt, 3 Körbecke, and 3 Oestinghausen. Under teacher Sally Katzenstein, the school had seven students in 1932. Rabbi Katzenstein, who was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944 , had already been released from school service in 1934 at the instigation of the National Socialists; his successor was Rabbi Osias Bernstein from 1935 to 1938.

See also


  • Michael Brocke (Ed.): Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501 and 652
  • Sally Katzenstein: The Synagogue Community of Soest . In: Local calendar of the Soest district. Soest 1930, pp. 60-62
  • Gerhard Köhn and Dirk Elbert: The Jewish community of Soest - its members from 1700 until the expulsion and murder in the Third Reich. Attempt at a reconstruction . In: Soester Scientific Contributions, Vol. 50. Soest 1993, pp. 221–288. (Heinz-Dieter Heimann / Wilfried Ehbrecht / Gerhard Köhn: History of the City of Soest , vol. 2. Soest 1995)
  • Gerhard Köhn: The persecution of Jewish fellow citizens in Soest during the Third Reich. A documentation . In: Publications of the Soest City Archives, Issue 8. Soest 1979
  • Hans Chanoch Meyer : From the history and life of the Jews in Westphalia . Frankfurt am Main 1962
  • Ulrike Sasse-Voswinckel and Gerhard Köhn: Jewish neighbors in Soest until 1942. A city tour . Compiled on behalf of the Society for History and Homeland Care Soest. Soest 2001

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501, here p. 501
  2. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501, here p. 501
  3. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501
  4. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501
  5. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501
  6. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501.
  7. Ulrike Sasse-Voswinckel / Gerhard Köhn: Jewish neighbors in Soest until 1942. A city tour. Compiled on behalf of the Society for History and Homeland Care Soest. Soest 2001, p. 47
  8. Information according to: Michael Brocke (Ed.): '' Put a fire on your sanctuary. Destroyed synagogues in 1938. North Rhine-Westphalia '' (developed by the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History). Bochum 1999, pp. 500-501.
  9. Numbers 1932 Hans Chanoch Meyer: "From the history and life of the Jews in Westphalia." Frankfurt 1962, p. 181; Information about the teachers Katzenstein and Bernstein: Ulrike Sasse-Voswinckel / Gerhard Köhn: Jewish neighbors in Soest until 1942. A city tour. Compiled on behalf of the Society for History and Homeland Care Soest. Soest 2001, p. 48

Coordinates: 51 ° 34 ′ 22.8 "  N , 8 ° 6 ′ 49.7"  E