Bad Sassendorf

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the Bad Sassendorf community
Bad Sassendorf
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Bad Sassendorf highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 35 '  N , 8 ° 10'  E

Basic data
State : North Rhine-Westphalia
Administrative region : Arnsberg
Circle : Soest
Height : 107 m above sea level NHN
Area : 63.46 km 2
Residents: 12,065 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 190 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 59505
Primaries : 02927, 02921, 02945
License plate : SO, LP
Community key : 05 9 74 008
Community structure: 12 districts
Address of the
municipal administration:
Eichendorffstrasse 1
59505 Bad Sassendorf
Website :
Mayor : Malte Dahlhoff ( CDU )
Location of the municipality of Bad Sassendorf in the Soest district
Hamm Hochsauerlandkreis Kreis Gütersloh Kreis Paderborn Kreis Unna Kreis Warendorf Märkischer Kreis Anröchte Bad Sassendorf Ense Erwitte Geseke Lippetal Lippstadt Möhnesee (Gemeinde) Rüthen Soest Warstein Welver Werl Wickede (Ruhr)map
About this picture

Bad Sassendorf is a municipality in the district of Soest , North Rhine-Westphalia .


Districts of Bad Sassendorf

Bad Sassendorf is located in the center of the Soester Börde on the southern edge of the Westphalian Bay between the Haarstrang and the adjacent Sauerland in the south and the Münsterland in the north. The Ahse , a tributary of the Lippe to the north, has its source in the municipality .

Neighboring communities

Bad Sassendorf borders (clockwise from the north) on Lippstadt , Erwitte , Anröchte , Warstein , Möhnesee , Soest and Lippetal .

Community structure

The municipality of Bad Sassendorf consists of twelve localities. These are Bad Sassendorf, Bettinghausen , Beusingsen , Elfsen , Enkesen im Klei , Heppen , Herringsen , Lohne , Neuengeseke , Opmünden , Ostinghausen and Weslarn .


Until the 8th century AD, the Soest Börde area belonged to the Merovingian-Franconian culture. During this time, Saxons invaded the area from the north across the Lippe . "Sassendorp" = Sachsendorf was probably a Saxon settlement. The land registers of Werden / Ruhr Abbey recorded the first records of salt production on Hellweg as early as the 10th century. Ibrahim ibn Yaqub , the envoy of the Caliph of Córdoba , described the Westphalian salt production in Soest in his travelogue on the way to Emperor Otto the Great in 973.

Donkey with sack of salt

Sassendorf was first mentioned in a document between 1169 and 1179 on the occasion of the donation of various goods by the Archbishop of Cologne , Philipp I von Heinsberg, to the St. Walburgis monastery in Soest. Among them there was also a salt house ( domum salinam ) in Sappendorf, which points to a considerably earlier settlement and salt production . The exploitation of the Sassendorfer salt springs and the right to boil was the right of free peasant families ( Boers ). The salt mining took place as a free "own", unencumbered by the state shelf law.

Sassendorf is mentioned in a further document from 1231 about a negotiation dispute between the Liesborn monastery and the "heirs of Johann and Rikolf von Sassendorf" . Confirmed by a document from the Archbishop of Cologne, Heinrich II. Von Virneburg, dated April 18, 1313, the people of Sassendorf were allowed to build a baptistery , a churchyard and a school.

Former graduation tower (1960–2018)
New graduation tower (since 2019)

Around 1370 the Sassendorfer had their statutes written down as the "Alde law of Von Sassendorpe" . At the same time they carried the seal with the inscription "SIGILLUM DOMINORUM SALINARIORUM IN SASSENDORPE" .

17 written requests from around 1817 prove that Sassendorf brine was used for bathing and healing purposes. Around 1836 2500–4000 tons of salt were extracted. In 1852 some wooden bathtubs were set up on the saltworks site. These form the basis for the first spa house and today's medicinal baths. As a result of the mining of salt, salt extraction by boiling lost its importance. In 1934 salt production was largely stopped; a single pan worked after the end of the Second World War until 1952.

Between 1877 and 1928 five children's homes were built. On 10 May 1906, the former Salzer village received by the provincial government of Arnsberg district government , the predicate bathroom . In 1975 Bad Sassendorf was officially recognized as a moor and brine spa .

The spa gardens, thermal baths and graduation tower were redesigned. The graduation tower built in 1960 was demolished in 2018 and was replaced by a new building that is connected to the sauna area of ​​the thermal bath.

History of the village of Lohne

Lohne was also called Lon or Loyn in medieval documents and was the ancestral seat of the ministerial family of Lon. When the castle at Lohne was first mentioned in a document, it was owned by the von Honrode. Knight Dietrich von Honrode made his castle an open house for Archbishop Walram of Cologne in 1335 . The archbishop had previously allowed him to rebuild the castle that had been destroyed by Count Eberhard II von der Mark . The castle then came into the possession of a branch of the von Plettenberg family, presumably as a result of an inheritance . During the Soest feud, the village was often hit hard by the electoral Cologne garrisons in Hovestadt Castle . It was set on fire in 1547 by Colonel Andreas Packemoir during the Schmalkaldic War . The Thirty Years 'War and the Seven Years' War also damaged the village. The Protestant church in Lohne was first mentioned in a document in 1313 after it was decided to found its own chapel, a cemetery and a school for the parish Sassendorf. Lohne joined this at the time of the Reformation . An Antonius Smedes is proven to be the first evangelical preacher. Since he was suspected of Anabaptist inclinations, he got into an argument with the council of Soest and was expelled from the country. After the victory of Charles V over the Schmalkaldic League , Catholicism regained a majority in the village, although the church, which was completely destroyed by fire in 1624, has remained permanently in Protestant ownership since 1562.

Loerbrocks was a former place in Lohne .


On July 1, 1969, Bad Sassendorf was enlarged by the eleven previous communities Bettinghausen, Beusingsen, Elfsen, Enkesen im Klei, Heppen, Herringsen, Lohne, Neuengeseke, Opmünden, Ostinghausen and Weslarn.


Local election 2014
Turnout: 58.5% (2009: 57.9%)
Gains and losses
compared to 2009
 % p
-2.7  % p
+ 4.9  % p
+ 10.2  % p
-5.0  % p
-7.3  % p

Municipal council

The 30 (−6) seats in the municipal council have been distributed among the individual parties and groups as follows since the local elections on May 25, 2014 :

Party / group Seats
CDU 13 (−3)
SPD 10
GREEN 3 (+3)
FDP 2 (−3)
BG 2 (−3)


Acting mayor is Malte Dahlhoff (CDU).

coat of arms

Blazon : "Above a silver, red key with the beard turned downwards, an eight-pointed golden star under a golden scythe leaf with a tip turned to the left and a downward-turned edge covered a raised shield base in green."

Coats of arms of the districts

On the initiative of the committee for school, culture and sport of the community, the above local coats of arms were donated in consultation with the population, which were notarized by the Herald Heraldic Association and included in the German local coat of arms roll. These coats of arms are used by the local mayors, clubs, associations, etc. after a right of disposal has been granted by the founder. a. m. as symbols of local identity outside of official acts. The coats of arms were designed by the municipal heraldist Jörg Mantzsch , who led them to the notarization.

Parish partnership

There is a partnership with the municipality of Gaming in Lower Austria .

Culture and sights

The Whispering, a sculpture by Jürgen Ebert , at Hof Hueck
Evangelical Parish Church Sst. Simon and Jude Thaddeus

The honorary cultural association e. V. organizes the Oldie Night and the Christmas market every year.

The conference and congress center Bad Sassendorf GmbH looks after the conference and congress center, the culture barn at Hof Haulle, the tourist information in the Haus des Gastes, the local marketing, the course events and the Westphalian Salt Mine project . The shareholders of the GmbH are the municipality of Bad Sassendorf and the Saline GmbH. The Westphalian Salt Mine was opened in early 2015.

The Touristik- und Verkehrsbüro eV deals with tourism in Bad Sassendorf. The non-profit association collects and disseminates information about the hospitality industry, hotels, restaurants and shows bike paths and hiking trails in the park landscape of the Hellweg in the Soest district.

The listed Protestant parish church is a building that characterizes the townscape.

The Evangelical Church Neuengeseke and Haus Sassendorf are also worth seeing .


The Turn- und Spielverein (TuS) Bad Sassendorf was founded in 1920 and with over 1,600 members is the largest sports club in the Bad Sassendorf community. The TuS members play sports in seven departments: badminton, basketball, swimming, tennis, table tennis, gymnastics and volleyball.

BV Bad Sassendorf is the local soccer club. The club, founded in 1926, has several junior teams and two teams in the senior sector. The first senior team has been playing in the district league since the 07/08 season. The club's own sports facility has already been used for several weeks of training camps for the professional teams of FC Schalke 04 and ZSKA Sofia . In addition, the Sauerland Cup, a tournament for amateur teams , takes place every year.

Economy and Infrastructure

At Karl-Volke-Platz

The town center with its Bismarckstrasse and Kaiserstrasse shopping areas is an important identification point for the residents and visitors of Bad Sassendorf.

Bad Sassendorf's profile as a health resort with deep historical roots is also evident in the town center, which is a lively center for trade, services, living, culture and leisure.

In Bad Sassendorf there is a children's clinic, five other clinics with a focus on orthopedics and rheumatology, and a brine thermal bath with bathing and sauna facilities.

The closer catchment area extends to the cities


Bad Sassendorf is on the A 44 and is a stop on the Hamm – Warburg railway line . The RB 89 , " Ems-Börde-Bahn ", Münster - Warburg stops there . Local trains run every 30 minutes from Monday to Friday. The next IC and ICE train stations are Soest and Lippstadt or Hamm (Westf) , Bielefeld and Münster (Westf) . The closest airports are Paderborn / Lippstadt Airport (35 km) and Dortmund Airport (45 km). Two kilometers southeast of Bad Sassendorf is the Soest-Bad Sassendorf airfield .


There are three schools in Bad Sassendorf. The INI comprehensive school Bad Sassendorf, the Sälzer community elementary school and the school an der Rosenau, school for the sick.

The INI comprehensive school is a state-recognized replacement school with secondary levels I and II. It has sports fields, gyms, a cafeteria and its own swimming pool.

The Sälzer Community Primary School is the only primary school in the Bad Sassendorf community. It is located in the northwest of the village and was built in 1975. It is attended by approx. 350 students, who form 15 classes.

The school at Rosenau was founded in 1994. The number of students is around 60 with 14 teachers from all types of schools. It is the school for the children's clinic in Bad Sassendorf. The children and adolescents are taught during their rehabilitation measures in the children's clinic at the Rosenau school. As a rule, the length of stay is six to eight weeks; occasionally, external students are also taught at the Rosenau school after or prior to rehabilitation.

Former reception building of Bad Sassendorf train station


Sons and daughters of the church

People related to the place

  • Thomas Griese (* 1956 in Soest), lawyer and politician (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), comes from Bad Sassendorf, where he grew up
  • Sebastian Tyrała (* 1988), professional footballer

Web links

Commons : Bad Sassendorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population of the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia on December 31, 2019 - update of the population based on the census of May 9, 2011. State Office for Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (IT.NRW), accessed on June 17, 2020 .  ( Help on this )
  2. Albert Ludorf: The architectural and art monuments of Westphalia , published by the Provincial Association of the Province of Westphalia, 1905, p. 88.
  3. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 92 .
  4. Final result for: 974008 Bad Sassendorf , on
  5. ^ INI comprehensive school Bad Sassendorf. In: Retrieved May 24, 2016 .
  6. Schule an der Rosenau - home page. In: Retrieved May 24, 2016 .