Synchroma grande

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Synchroma grande
without rank: Stramenopiles (stramenopiles)
Class : Synchromophyceae
Order : Synchromal
Family : Synchromaceae
Genre : Synchroma
Type : Synchroma grande
Scientific name of the  class
Horn & Wilhelm
Scientific name of the  order
Schnetter & Ehlers
Scientific name of the  family
Schnetter & Ehlers
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Synchroma grande

Synchroma grande is aspecies of algae that was first described in 2007and that was placed alone in a new class Synchromophyceae . It contains chlorophyll a and c and occurs in all oceans. Synchromophyceae can feed heterotrophically on other unicellular organisms as well as autotrophically on chloroplasts. Synchroma grande is amoeboid and has branched pseudopodia that fuse with neighboring cells and form a network for catching and digesting z. B. diatoms or bacteria can form.

The plastids of the Synchromophyceae are surrounded by four covering membranes, but do not occur individually, as in the case of the algae species described to date, but cluster in several clusters within a membranous cover. The division of the chloroplasts into two occurs within these complexes, which in turn divide into two after doubling the number of plastids.

In addition to chloroplast complexes and mitochondria, other "domesticated" bacteria are often found in the algae cells.

The plastid complexes of the Synchromophyceae raise the question of the monophyly of the endosymbiotic origin of chlorophyll a / c plastids. The complexes could be a relic of a secondary endosymbiosis of a eukaryote with several plastids, which, however, has only survived in this class. An alternative explanation would be the emergence of Synchromopyhceae independent of other algae classes.


  • Susanne Horn, Katrin Ehlers, Guido Fritzsch, Maria Candelaria Gil-Rodriguez, Christian Wilhelm, Reinhard Schnetter: Synchroma grande spec. nov. (Synchromophyceae class. Nov., Heterokontophyta): An Amoeboid Marine Alga with Unique Plastid Complexes . Protist, Volume 158, 2007, Pages 277–293 doi : 10.1016 / j.protis.2007.02.004 (online) (PDF; 2.5 MB)
  • Reinhard Schnetter, Katrin Ehlers: Puzzling chloroplast arrangement. Synchromophyceae - a new class of algae . Labor & More, 5/2007, pp. 42-43. (pdf)

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