Syntopic salon

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The Syntopic Salon is a non-profit project of an interdisciplinary team between art and science. Since it was founded in 2009, it has brought intercultural and interdisciplinary content into public space with the help of a glass cube.

Syntopic Salon, Neuer Markt Potsdam, 2012


The Syntopic Salon is based on the concept of syntopia . Syntopy says that two unconnected areas are brought together in a certain way in one place. Something new and unexpected can emerge from this milieu. The term syntopy was coined in brain research by Ernst Pöppel , Professor of Medical Psychology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . An artistic implementation of syntopy can be found in Igor Sakharov-Ross .

The historical term of the salon has two meanings: it describes both cultural events and the space in which they take place. The Syntopic Salon takes up this tradition and reinterprets it by relocating the salon to public space.

In the sense of the syntopic concept, the Syntopic Salon combines forms and contents of different disciplines and cultures between art, science and society in one place and makes them visible in public space.

A glass cube that can be seen day and night forms the interface to the urban environment. In the interaction between the activities taking place there and the respective urban environment, the Syntopic Salon is not only a framework, but also part of the development process itself.

The cube was designed to be modular, reproducible and transportable in order to enable the connection of different places in the world. As glass laboratory referred, he emphasizes the experimental nature of the Syntopic salons .

A rust-red wing chair, the symbol of the Syntopic Salon, points to the gap to whoever could sit there. In accordance with its function - to rest the body comfortably and to let the mind fly - it is an invitation for everyone to take a seat.

Guests of the Syntopic Salon were u. a. the brain researcher Ernst Pöppel , the sociologist and economist Saskia Sassen and the architect Philipp Oswalt ( Bauhaus Dessau Foundation ).


The Syntopic Salon was founded in 2009 and has been operating in various locations since then. The starting point was the southern station district in Munich, which is characterized by a highly dense, urban mix that results from the hustle and bustle of different cultures. While the Syntopic Salon in 2009 was still a series of events that dealt with topics between art and science at different locations in the district, the first Glass Laboratory was built in May 2010 on the grounds of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. This gave the Syntopic Salon its own space located in the urban environment. Located directly on the sidewalk of Goethestrasse, the Syntopic Salon functioned as an interface between public and institutional space until August 2013.

Based on the principle of the Syntopic Salon, the visual artist Michaela Rotsch developed a nomadic form of an urban interface for Istanbul in 2011, the Syntopian Refuge.

From June to September 2012, the Syntopic Salon acted on the Neuer Markt in Potsdam. As part of the 2011/2012 annual theme “Artifacts. Knowledge is art - art is knowledge ”of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW), the concept of the Syntopic Salon was further developed by its team in cooperation with the BBAW especially for the Potsdam academy location and the BBAW created a second glass laboratory for the Am Commissioned a new market. Through the networking of local partner institutions and artists by the interdisciplinary team, a program was created on seven subject areas that developed continuously over three months. After the end of the series of events, the Transparent Laboratory was temporarily used by the Babelsberg Film University for research projects on film art.

Team and legal form

The Syntopic Salon consists of the interdisciplinary team Roland Essl (architecture), Michaela Rotsch (visual arts) and Ildiko Meny (medicine). The Syntopic Salon is a non-profit project without a registered legal form. He works in different constellations with changing project partners.

Events and guests (excerpt)


  • November 2009: Reading by Ernst Pöppel from his work The Frame. A look from the brain at our self.
  • May 2010: GAP_SPACE Shanghai , discussion with Zhao Quiang, Professor of Public Art at Donghua University Shanghai
  • July 2010: Hartmut Minich, blooming time and Simone Kunz, negation of the gap
  • August 2010: Gülçin Aksoy, Cityscale: present tense
  • September 2010: camillo, salon talks
  • September 2010: Anja Uhlig (realitaetsbüro, toilet block at the wholesale market hall ), Spitsbergen project
  • November 2010: Gülcan Turna, textile sculpture
  • April 2011: Michaela Rotsch, GOBOTAG_STATION Goethe– Sirkeci
  • May 2011: Shadowhunters, serving
  • August 2011: Susanne Pittroff, Home-Sweet Home (Station 3)
  • October 2011: Ildiko Meny, NOCTILUCA
  • November 2011: Robert Stumpf, Cocytus
  • March 2013: Juliane Zellner, Buenos Aires_Gap structures above eye level


  • June 2012: Michaela Rotsch and Ildiko Meny in exchange with the BBAW CVMA , RAYS academy project
  • July 2012: Cornelia Oßwald-Hoffmann in collaboration with the Künstlergeist collective and in exchange with the Center for Research on Contemporary History (ZZF), REPOSITORY OF KNOWLEGDE AND ART
  • July 2012: Department for Public Appearances (Peter Boerboom, Gabriele Obermaier, Carola Vogt, Silke Witzsch), HOW BLACK DO YOU SEE?
  • July 2012: Bert Praxenthaler in exchange with Marc Thörner and the BBAW Corpus Coranicum academy project
  • August 2012: Åsa Sonjasdotter in cooperation with the Prinzessinnengärten and in exchange with the House of Brandenburg-Prussian History , A POTATO PERSPECTIVE ON CROSSINGS, IDEAS AND MATTER
  • August 2012: Michaela Rotsch and Manfred Gödel Systems Biology in exchange with the LMU Munich and the Filmmuseum Potsdam , ZWISCHENRAUM_ZÜCHTUNG-GOBOTAG

further reading

  • Juliane Zellner: "Temporary stages in the urban space. The 'cooperative formats' of the BMW Guggenheim Lab and the Syntopic Salon". Lit Verlag, Münster 2014, ISBN 9783864350115

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