Syvert Paul Nørsett

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Syvert Paul Nørsett (* 1944 ) is a Norwegian mathematician who specializes in numerical analysis.

Nørsett studied mathematics at the University of Oslo with a diploma in 1969 (The numerical solution of stiff systems). In 1975 he received his doctorate under John D. Lambert (Jack Lambert) at the University of Dundee (Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations). He is Professor of Numerical Analysis at the Technical and Natural Sciences University of Norway in Trondheim .

He is particularly concerned with the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, where he worked a lot with Arieh Iserles (among other things on the numerics of highly oscillating integrals). With Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner , he published a two-volume monograph on the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.


  • with Ernst Hairer, Gerhard Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer Verlag, Volume 1, 3rd, corrected reprint 2009, Volume 2, 2nd edition 1996
  • with Arieh Iserles: Order Stars, Chapman & Hall, 1991

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