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An excerpt from a program that uses four points to calculate what kind of square it is

TI-Basic is the name of a programming language used by programmable pocket calculators from the American company Texas Instruments (TI). It differs somewhat from the popular BASIC programming language . Especially for the newer models from Texas Instruments, such as the TI-83 Plus or the TI-83 Plus SE , the TI-84 Plus , the TI-89 , the TI-92 or TI-92 Plus , the Voyage 200 and the TI-Nspire there are a variety of programs today.


Programs and functions

Program in TI-Basic on the TI-83 Plus

Both programs and functions can be created with TI-Basic . The difference is that, in contrast to programs, functions returncan return values using the command , but all other input and output commands (input, output, PxlOn, etc.) can only be used in programs. Furthermore, it is not possible for a function to permanently save variables in the global namespace, but only temporarily and locally, as long as the function is being executed.


Compared to many other programming languages, the number of possible variable names is very limited. With the exception of the TI-Nspire, it is only possible to use names that have eight or fewer letters (in the TI-BASIC dialect of the TI-84 and TI-83 even only one letter) and not the same name as a system variable (for example Y 1 ). A value is usually assigned to a variable using the "→" operator (syntax: value → variable ). A variable is always global and can be read or edited by all programs. Even after a program has ended, the variables are retained unless they are explicitly deleted.


In addition to direct input on the TI, the programs can also be edited externally on the computer and then transferred to the TI via data cable.

Conditions (all calculators above)

  • If statement (without Then, only the next command counts for the If statement):
If condition
Disp "condition fulfilled"
Disp "This statement is always executed"
  • If ... Then ... EndIf statements:
If condition Then
Disp "These instructions are"
Disp "all only executed"
Disp "if the condition is met"
Disp "This statement is always executed"
  • If ... Then ... Else ... EndIf statements:
If condition Then
(multiple instructions)
(several statements that are only executed if the condition is not met)


All of the above calculators

TI-Basic can handle the following types of loops: the For loop with counter variable and the While loop , which is executed as long as the condition is true. In addition, loops can be created using labels .

Loop style use example
For : For variable , start , end [, step size ]
: Commands
: EndFor
: For X, 0,10,2
: Disp X
: EndFor
While : While expression
: Commands as long as condition is true
: EndWhile
: While X <5
: X + 1 → X
: EndWhile
Label : Lbl label name
: Commands
: Goto label name
: Lbl A
: X + 1 → X
: Goto A

TI-89, TI Voyage 200, and TI-Nspire

The TI-89, the TI Voyage 200 and the TI-Nspire are still available Loopand EndLoopas an endless loop. You can - like Whileand EndWhileand Forand EndFor- Exitcancel it with the command .

Loop style use example
Loop :Loop
 : Block
: 0 → I
: Loop
: I + 1 → I
: Disp I
: If I = 10
: Exit
: EndLoop

TI-83 Plus; TI-83 Plus SE; TI-84 Plus


The following variables can be used with these computers:

Variable type Variable names Example of an assignment Limitations
Real numbers AZ, θ 10 → X Up to 14 digits are stored, but only ten digits are output
Complex numbers AZ, θ 5 + 7i → Y Up to 14 digits are stored, but only ten digits are output
Strings Str0 – Str9 "TEXT" → Str2 The amount of free RAM is the only length limit
Lists L1 – L6, user-defined {1,2,3} → L LIST Up to 999 elements can be saved (exception TI-83: ​​up to 99 elements)
Matrices [A] - [J] [[1,2,3] [4,5,6]] → [C] A matrix can have up to 99 rows and 99 columns
Graphics Pic0-Pic9 StorePic 5 Display resolution: Images cannot be larger than 96 × 64 pixels
Math functions Y 0 -Y 9 "6X² + 7X-2" → Y 8 No known limit
Graph databases GDB0-GDB9 StoreGDB 0 No known limit
Scales for graphs X min , X max , X scl , X res , ∆X (analogous for the Y-axis) 5 → X min No known limit

Repeat loop

Another type of loop can only be used on these computers:

Repeat : Repeat Expression
: Commands until condition is true
: End
: Repeat I <5
: I-1 → I
: End

IS>; DS <and menu

These instructions are also no longer available on the newer computers.

Type of branch use example
Increase step : IS> ( variable , value )
: Command if valuevariable
: IS> (A, 3)
: Disp A
Decrease step : DS <( variable , value )
: Command if valuevariable
: DS <(A, 3)
: Disp A
Menu : Menu (" Description" , "Text 1" , Label 1 ,
"Text 2" , Label 2 , ...)
: Menu ("OPTIONS", "START",
A, "EXIT", B)

Newer computers (TI-89 through Voyage 200)

TI-Basic on the Voyage 200


On newer computers, variables can be a maximum of eight characters long; umlauts, Greek letters and diacritical marks (in contrast to some other programming languages ​​such as Pascal ) can also be used. "StorePic" and "StoreGDB" have been replaced by "StoPic" and "StoGDB".

Menus, dialogs and toolbar

In addition to the Input and InputStr prompts , the user interface can be implemented as follows:

  • with dialog blocks
  • with popup menus
  • using the toolbar (toolbar or custom)
  • with the getKey () function


The program on the left in execution (TI Voyage 200)

An example of a dialogue:

Title "Hello"
Text "xyz"
Dropdown "Please select", {"One", "Two", "Three"}, var1
Request "your name?", Var2

This example creates a dialog with the title "Hello". The actual window contains the text "xyz", underneath you can choose between "one", "two" and "three", and at the very bottom there is an input field where the user is asked for his name.

The screenshot on the right shows this example program.


The program on the left in execution (TI Voyage 200)

An example of a screen pop:

PopUp {"1999", "2001", "2002", "2005"}, var3

The result, i.e. the selection, is saved in the variable "var3". For example "2001" the content of var3 would be the number 2.

On the right is the screenshot for this program, only the Dispcommand has been added.


The program on the left in execution (TI Voyage 200)

An example of a toolbar:

Title "start quiz", start
Title "Options"
"Settings" item, options
Item "About this quiz ...", about
Title "Quit", quit

If you select F1 (start quiz) (here in this example), the program jumps to the specified label "start". If you want to list more under a title (as in F2), Titleno label may be specified after the command. In such a case, however, Items with labels must be present under the title command .

On the right is also a screenshot showing the toolbar. Only one Outputcommand has been added again.

TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS

In the first version of the operating system of the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS computers, only functions could be created with TI-Basic , not programs . In the meantime, an extended range of commands is available, but it does not contain numerous TI Basic commands, e.g. for dialog guidance. Programs can be stored in libraries.

Hello World

ClrHome Clears all characters on the display
Disp "Hello World" then shows "Hello World"


ClrHome Clears all characters on the display
Output (1,1, "Hello World") Shows "Hello World" in the first row in the first column

For TI-Nspire CX CAS:

Disp "Hello World" shows "Hello World" in the "Home window"


Compared to the 68k assembler integrated in the computer, TI basic programs are very slow. Output commands in particular slow down the execution, and due to the small amount of RAM memory, recursions such as the Ackermann function can only be implemented to a limited extent or not at all, neither with TI-BASIC nor with assembler.

Web links

Wikibooks: TI-Basic  - learning and teaching materials