Taja Vovk van Gaal

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Taja Vovk van Gaal , née Tatjana Čepič (born before 1980) is a Slovenian cultural historian and creative director at the House of European History .

She studied history and sociology at the University of Ljubljana and has worked at museums in Zagreb and Ljubljana since the 1980s . She headed the Ljubljana City Museum from 1997 to 2006. From 2006 to 2010 she worked for the European Cultural Foundation . From 2011 to June 2017 she headed the academic project group on the House of European History for the European Parliament . Since then she has been working there as creative director.

She was chair of the museum council at the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia , member of the board of the European Museum Forum and of the board of the Europeana project (2011–2015).


  • "Homo sum ---": Ivan Hribar in njegova Ljubljana, Ljubljana 1997
  • New Year's Eve celebrations in Ljubljana in the 20th century , Catalog Ljubljana 2001
  • Our common past: The Museum Presenting a Transnational View of European History , 2017 Green European Journal online
  • with Constanze Itzel : Eastern Europe in the Future House of European History , Lecture 2011, in: Włodzimierz Borodziej ; Joachim von Puttkamer : Europe and its East: Historical and Cultural Challenges (Europe's East in the 20th Century, Volume 1), Imre Kertész Kolleg, Munich 2012 ISBN 978-3486715934
  • with Christine Dupont: The House of European History . In: Bodil Axelsson u. a. (Ed.): Entering the Minefields: the Creation of New History Museums in Europe . Linköping 2012, p. 43-53 .


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