Takeda Masayoshi

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Takeda Masayoshi ( Japanese 武田 政 義 ; * unknown; † 1343 ) was daimyo towards the end of the Kamakura period and at the beginning of the Muromachi period and was Shugo (military governor) of Kai Province (now Yamanashi).

Historical role

As head of a House of Commons of the Minamoto , the Minamoto von Kai, he was directly involved in the power struggle between Kuge (nobility) and Buke (nobility) . After the defeat of the Minamoto against the Taira at the end of the Heian period , the Minamoto had concentrated on the east of the country and the development of the previously uninhabited areas in Kantō (around today's Tokiō). This is how many Minamoto lower houses emerged, which became the local nobility in the east of the main island of Honshū , for example the Eight Minamoto of the east and the Musashi families. After the establishment of the first Shogunate and the attainment of power by Minamoto Yoritomo , his subordinates and relatives could hold numerous influential offices; so the Minamoto of Kai, who had called themselves Takeda for three generations, were now the Shugo (military governor) of Kai Province . So they were finally able to establish themselves permanently as a daimyo .

Takeda Masayoshi participated in several campaigns of the Shogun and was a loyal vassal.


  • Shibatsuji Shunroku: 『甲 斐 武田 一族』 ( Kai Takeda ichizoku. ) Tōkyō 2005, ISBN 4-404-03262-5 .