Takeo Matsubara

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Takeo Matsubara ( Japanese 松原 武生 , Matsubara Takeo ; born April 3, 1921 in Osaka Prefecture ; † December 15, 2014 in Tokyo ) was a Japanese theoretical physicist who dealt with quantum mechanical many-body theory in solid state physics .


Matsubara studied at Osaka University , where he received his doctorate in 1949. He taught at the University of Hokkaidō and the University of Kyoto , where he was retired.

Matsubara is known for a quantum mechanical formalism named after him in many-body theory (quantum statistics) (Matsubara formalism and associated Matsubara frequencies). The many-body Greens function is continued at imaginary times in the quantum field theoretical treatment of the statistical mechanics of systems of bosons or fermions at finite temperature. The method was developed by Russian physicists ( Igor Jechijeljewitsch Dsjaloschinski ).

He was particularly concerned with superconductivity, superfluids and dielectrics.

In 1961 he received the Nishina Prize .


  • A New Approach to Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Prog. Theor. Phys., Vol. 14, 1955, p. 351

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