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Ground keel cone (Tandonia budapestensis)

Ground keel cone ( Tandonia budapestensis )

Class : Snails (gastropoda)
Order : Lung snails (pulmonata)
Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Superfamily : Parmacelloidea
Family : Keel snails (Milacidae)
Genre : Tandonia
Scientific name
Lessona & Pollonera , 1882

Tandonia is a slug - genus of the order of gastropods . Together with the genera Milax and Micromilax , the species of the genus Tandonia form the family of the keel cone (Milacidae).


The body is relatively slim and elongated to about 10 cm long. The keel extends the entire length of the foot, from the rear edge of the mantle shield to the tip of the tail, or is limited to the rear part of the foot. The genital orifice has no stimulator (as in the closely related genus Milax ) and the atria are not covered by the kidneys.

Way of life and occurrence

The Tandonia species were originally only native to Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. A focus of diversity is the Balkan Peninsula. Some species, such as the ground keel cone , were introduced to North America ( neozoa ). There they are considered pests in agriculture.


The species that are now part of the genus Tandonia were previously put into the then more comprehensive genus Milax . The separation of the genus Tandonia and its independence is now generally recognized. Currently, depending on the author, up to 36 species are included in Tandonia . However, for some species it is still unclear whether they are not identical to one another. The MolluscaBase lists the following species for Europe:


  • D Godan, vulgar names of snails in plant protection (German, English, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish). In Z. Pflanzenkrank. , 77/1970, pp. 38-58.
  • Anatolij A. Schileyko: Treatise on Recent Terrestrial Pulmonate Molluscs Part 10 Ariophantidae, Ostracolethidae, Ryssotidae, Milacidae, Dyakiidae, Staffordiidae, Gastrodontidae, Zonitidae, Daudebardiidae, Parmacellidae. Ruthenica, Supplement 2 (10): 1307-1466, Moscow 2003 ISSN  0136-0027
  • Bernhard Hausdorf: Phylogeny of the Limacoidea sensu lato (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) . Journal of Molluscan Studies, 64: 35-66, London 1998 ISSN  0260-1230
  • JH Jungbluth, German names for native snails and mussels (Gastropoda et Bivalvia). In Malak. , Abhandlung 10/1985, pp. 79-94

Individual evidence

  1. H Reise u. a., Two introduced pest slugs: Tandonia budapestensis new to the Americas, and Deroceras panormitanum new to the Eastern USA. In The Veliger , 48 (2), 2006, pp. 110-5.
  2. ^ MolluscaBase: Tandonia Lessona & Pollonera, 1882
  3. ^ AnimalBase: Tandonia Lessona & Pollonera, 1882
  4. ^ Vollrath Wiese: The land snails of Germany. 352 pp., Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2014 ISBN 978-3-494-01551-4 (p. 233).
  5. ^ Fabio Liberto, Salvatore Giglio, Maria Stella Colomba, Ignazio Sparacio: New and little known land snails from Sicily (MolluscaGastropoda). Biodiversity Journal, 3 (3): 201-228, 2012 PDF (Research Gate)
  6. ^ Molluscs of central Europe, Species: Tandonia simrothi

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