Tantalus bluffs

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Tantalus bluffs
location Ross Dependency , Antarctica
part of Queen Maud Mountains in the Transantarctic Mountains
Tantalus Bluffs (Antarctica)
Tantalus bluffs
Coordinates 84 ° 55 ′  S , 168 ° 25 ′  W Coordinates: 84 ° 55 ′  S , 168 ° 25 ′  W

The Tantalus Bluffs are towering cliffs on the Dufek coast of the Antarctic Ross Dependency . In the Prince Olav Mountains of the Queen Maud Mountains they form the north-eastern shoulder of Mount Ferguson on the western flank of the mouth of the Liv Glacier in the Ross Ice Shelf .

The southern group of a campaign carried out from 1963 to 1964 as part of the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition took the name after the figure of Tantalus, cursed by the gods, from Greek mythology . The background to this naming was the fact that the unsuccessful attempt by the group to reach the cliffs of geological interest to them and to cross an area interspersed with crevasses northeast of these, a geologist had sustained serious injuries.

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