Jörg Fleischhauer

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Jörg Fleischhauer (born August 22, 1939 in Dresden ) is a German chemist and physicist and professor emeritus for theoretical chemistry at RWTH Aachen University .


After the family moved from Eisenach in what was then the GDR to the Federal Republic in 1951 , Jörg Fleischhauer attended the municipal high school in Hagen and Wetter (Ruhr) , where he graduated from high school in 1959. In the summer semester of 1959 he went to study chemistry and physics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . Here he was active in the Corps Rhenania and reciprocated in the same year. In 1965 he obtained a diploma in physics and in 1966 in chemistry. In 1968 he was in Bonn at Friedhelm Korte to Dr. rer. nat. PhD.

When Hans-Dieter Scharf from the Korte working group received a call to RWTH Aachen in 1968 , he followed him as a research assistant. In 1973 he completed his habilitation in Aachen in the subject of theoretical chemistry. From 1974 to 2004 Jörg Fleischhauer was professor for the teaching and research area of ​​theoretical chemistry at the RWTH Aachen. From 1984 he went to the University of Alexandria , the University of Utah , the University of Colorado Boulder and the Colorado State University for various longer scientific activities . His main research interests were circular dichroism of biomolecules and organic molecules, magnetic circular dichroism, especially of cyclic polyenes, and quantum mechanical calculations .

Fleischhauer has been a member of the Corps Thuringia Leipzig since 1972 . In 2016 the Corps Saxonia-Berlin zu Aachen awarded him the Corpsschleife .


  • The Influence of the Aromatic Amino Acid Side-Chains on the Sign of theSoret Cotton Effect in Chironomus Hemoglobin (CT III) , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1972, 27b, pp. 530-532. (in cooperation with A. Wollmer)
  • Side-Chain Mobility and the Calculation of Tyrosyl Circular Dichroism of Proteins , in: Biophysical Journal 1977, 20, pp. 233-243. (in cooperation with A. Wollmer, W. Straßburger, H. Thiele, D. Brandenburg, G. Dodson, D. Mercola)
  • Calculation of the Circular Dichroism of Chironumus Hemoglobin in the Light of the Quality of its X-Ray Structure , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1978 33b, pp. 908-911. (in cooperation with W. Straßburger, A. Wollmer, H. Thiele, W. Steigmann, E. Weber)
  • Semiempirical calculations on the influence of the solvent on the protonation energy of aniline, ammonia and some aliphatic amines , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1982, 37a, pp. 46-50. (in cooperation with G. Raabe )
  • Calculated Tyrosyl Circular Dichroism of Proteins , in: FEBS Letters 1982, 139, pp. 295-299. (in cooperation with W. Straßburger, U. Glatter, A. Wollmer, DA Mercola, TL Blundell, I. Glover, JE Pitts, IJ Tickle, SP Wood)
  • Semiempirical calculations on the proton affinity of unbranched aliphatic amines , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1984, 39a, pp. 486-489. (in cooperation with G. Raabe)
  • CNDO / S-CI calculations on the circular dichroism of disulfide bridges in proteins in the near UV , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1985, 40a, pp. 1304-1310. (in cooperation with H. Niephaus, W. Schleker)
  • On the circular dichroism of disulfide bridges in proteins. Part 2. Comparative CNDO / S and INDO / S calculations , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1987, 42a, pp. 361–366. (in cooperation with W. Schleker)
  • Borinine (Borabenzene): Its Structure and Vibrational Spectrum. A Quantum Chemical Study , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1987, 42a, pp. 352-360. (in cooperation with G. Raabe)
  • Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of cyclic pi-electron systems with 4N ± 1 electrons , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1993, 48a, pp. 1243-1255. (in cooperation with B. Kramer, J. Michl )
  • MCD of non-aromatic cyclic pi-electron systems. Part 1. The perimeter model for antiaromatic 4N-electron [n] annulene biradicals', in: Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transition 2 1998, p. 1101. (together with U. Höweler, JW Downing, J. Michl)
  • Magnetic circular dichroism of non-aromatic cyclic pi-electron systems. 2. [1] The perimeter model for high-symmetry "unaromatic" and "ambiaromatic" molecules derived from 4N-electron [n] annulenes . in: Spectrochimica Acta Part A 1999, 55, pp. 585-606.
  • MCD of Nonaromatic Cyclic pi-Electron Systems. 3¹. The Perimeter Model for Low-Symmetry "Unaromatic" and "Ambiaromatic" Molecules Derived from 4N-Electron [n] Annulenes , in: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104, pp. 7762-7775. (in cooperation with U. Höweler, J. Michl)
  • MCD of Nonaromatic Cyclic pi-Electron Systems. 4¹. Explicit Relations between Molecular Structure and Spectra , in: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104, pp. 7776-7784. (in cooperation with J. Michl)
  • CD-Spectroscopic Investigations for the Determination of the Absolute Configuration of (4R, 6S, 7S) -Serricornin , in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 2001, 56b, pp. 1344-1348 (together with S. Gabriel, A. Job, D. Enders , A. Wollmer)


  • Fleischhauer, Jörg . In: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1996. Bio-bibliographical directory of contemporary German-speaking scientists . 17th edition, Volume Medicine-Natural Sciences-Technology , p. 327.
  • 1401. Fleischhauer, Jörg . In: Register of the Bonner Rhenania 1820 1970 , 1970, p. 298, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 127 , 1120
  2. Fleischhauer, Jörg: Quantum mechanical calculations for the interpretation of chain length effects in the nitration of methyl alkyl dihydroquinone ethers . Dissertation 1968, University of Bonn
  3. Fleischhauer, Jörg: Consideration of structure and reaction parameters with the help of LCAO-MO theories: Contribution to the improvement of the extended Hückel theory (EHT) and development of a new method for solving the Schrödinger equation . Habilitation thesis 1973, RWTH Aachen
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 175 , 232
  5. WSC reports and large corps inventory winter semester 2016/17 . Supplement to Corps Magazin , issue 2/2017