Publius Villius Tappulus

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Publius Villius Tappulus was a politician of the Roman Republic at the turn of the 3rd to the 2nd century BC. Chr.

He was 204 BC Chr. Plebeian aedile . In the following two years he was praetor and propaetor in Sicily. 201 BC As decemvir agris assignandis he was responsible for land assignments in Samnium and Apulia .

In 199 BC Villius became consul and went to Macedonia , where he took command of Publius Sulpicius Galba Maximus , but was replaced by Titus Quinctius Flamininus before major battles . 197 BC He was still active as a legate on the Greek theater of war . In the following year 196 BC He served as envoy in the peace negotiations with Philip V and negotiations with Antiochus III.

During the "Cold War" with the Seleucid Empire , Villius died in 193 BC. Again as a messenger to Antiochus.



  1. Titus Livius 33, 24, 7.
  2. Livy 33, 35 and 33, 39. Polybios 18, 48, 3 and 18, 50, 3.
  3. Livy 34:59; 35, 13-15; 35, 23; 35, 39, 4-8.