Taranaki Daily News

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Taranaki Daily News

description New Zealand daily newspaper
language English
First edition May 14, 1857
Frequency of publication daily Monday to Saturday
Sold edition 18,928 copies
Range 0.056 million readers
Editor-in-chief Roy Pilott
editor Fairfax Media Limited
Web link www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news

The Taranaki Daily News is a daily regional newspaper in New Zealand . Its catchment area is in the western part of the North Island in the Taranaki region . The newspaper is based in New Plymouth .


The origin of the Taranaki Daily News lies in the founding of the Taranaki News in 1857. The Taranaki News was founded as a political counterpart to the Taranaki Herald, founded in 1852 when it publicly supported a rival to Charles Brown for the election of the superintendent of Taranaki Province . The competition between the leaves lasted for decades. Nevertheless, the Herald provided technical support for the news when the newspaper's production facility was destroyed due to a fire. Economically speaking, the Taranaki News was worse off than its competitor for many years. The many changes in ownership did not do the newspaper any good either. That didn't change until 1905 when Thomas List , a professional newspaper maker, took over the news . When List died, the Taranaki News had become the fifth largest daily newspaper in the country and had regional importance, whereas the Herald continued to be perceived only locally.

In 1962 both newspapers came under one roof, but for years they were published independently of each other with their own editorial offices, until the Herald was finally discontinued in 1989 for economic reasons. The Taranaki News went to Independent Newspapers Limited (INL) that same year . After many renaming over the years, the newspaper was finally renamed from Daily News to Taranaki Daily News in August 2004 and nine years later, together with numerous other New Zealand daily newspapers, it was sold to the Australian Fairfax Media Limited in 2003 .

The newspaper today

The Taranaki Daily News had an average daily circulation of 18,928 copies in 2014 and appears in the mornings, daily Mondays to Saturdays, with the newspaper's editorial staff only covering the local section. The national part is created centrally for all newspapers of the Fairfax Media Group in Wellington .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Taranaki Daily News . News Work NZ , archived from the original on March 3, 2015 ; accessed on May 18, 2019 (English, original website no longer available).
  2. a b c Taranaki Daily News . Paperpast - National Library of New Zealand , accessed March 15, 2015 .
  3. a b INL: Chronology . Ketupa.net a media industry resource , archived from the original on April 2, 2015 ; accessed on May 18, 2019 (English, original website no longer available).