Tassilo of Zollern

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Tassilo of Zollern. Oil painting, 17th century

Tassilo von Zollern is a fictional ancestor of the Hohenzollern . For centuries he was considered the first Zollern count. The existence of Tassilo was refuted in the 19th century; in fact, the family history of the Hohenzollern family with Burkhard and Wezil von Zollern began in 1061.


The historian Johann Basilius Herold invented the ancestor after he was commissioned by Charles I of Hohenzollern to conduct historical research in 1560 . The origin was conceived in the time of humanism .

According to this, Tassilo von Zollern was born before 800 as the son of Isembard and his wife Irmentrud. His mother was a daughter of Charlemagne . The count had his seat at Hohenzollern Castle . Evidence of its existence should be based on documents from the Muri monastery . Tassilo also took part in several campaigns for Charlemagne. The name of the wife is not recorded. However, his four sons were named, the third son Friedrich calling himself Count zu Hechingen. According to this view, the city ​​of Hechingen and the ancestral castle Hohenzollern already existed.

The fictional ancestor is also mentioned in the works of Frederick the Great in the 18th century .

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Schultze, Rudolf Seigel, Günther Schuhmann:  Hohenzollern. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1972, ISBN 3-428-00190-7 , pp. 496-501 ( digitized version ).
  2. Gustav Schilling: History of the House of Hohenzollern in genealogically continuous biographies of all its rulers from the oldest to the most recent times, according to documents and other authentic sources. Fleischer, Leipzig 1843, e-book, p. 107
  3. Dino Heicker: The Hohenzollern: History of a Dynasty. Berlin 2012, p. 8