Tauriphila risi

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Tauriphila risi
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Pantalinae
Genre : Tauriphila
Type : Tauriphila risi
Scientific name
Tauriphila risi
Martin , 1896

The Tauriphila risi is a species of dragonfly of the genus Tauriphila from the subfamily Pantalinae . Its distribution area extends from Brazil and Bolivia to central Argentina .


The animal reaches a length of 40 to 44 millimeters. His chest ( thorax ) is reddish brown and has two not easily recognizable white side stripes. The abdomen of the dragonfly is orange to brownish with a dark line along the middle of the back. The hind wings are between 34 mm and 38 mm long and have a brown band at the base and a tiny brown spot on the nodus . In contrast to the Macrodiplax marcella, the base of the hind wing is not widened, which allows a distinction between species that are otherwise very similar in appearance and behavior.

Way of life

Tauriphila risi catches its prey in sailing flight. It rarely sits on thin branches, if only hidden. The animals are often found in schools .


  1. a b c von Ellenrieder , Garrison: Libélulas de las Yungas (Odonata) Pensoft, 2007, p. 105, ISBN 954-642-305-X