Tel Shalem

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Statue of Hadrian from Tel Shalem
Inscription of Hadrian from Tel Shalem
Inscription of the Legio VI Ferrata

Tel Shalem is an archaeological dig site in present-day Israel, about 11 km south of the modern city of Bet She'an . Here you can find the remains of an ancient settlement, a necropolis and the remains of two military camps, which are located next to the settlement, but overlap, i.e. did not exist at the same time. The oldest ancient remains of the settlement date back to the Bronze Age , but have hardly been investigated so far. There are mainly settlement remains from the Hellenistic- Roman period. There is also a late antique Byzantine necropolis at a distance of about 1.5 km , in which many spolia from older times were built.

Tel Shalem is strategically located on the edge of the Jezreel plain and near the ancient city of Nysa-Scythopolis ( Bet Sche'an ). A triumphal arch of the Emperor Hadrian probably also stood here , of which spolia were found in the aforementioned necropolis. In 1975 a bronze tank statue of Hadrian was found in Tel Shalem . In addition to the statue of the emperor, further fragments of bronze statues came to light here, whereupon brief excavations took place in order to clarify the location of the fragments.

In the Byzantine necropolis three graves were found, two of them were examined and contained up to 15 burials. The graves were carved into the rock and partly lined and covered with stone slabs. The cover plates are partly spoiled. One of the camps in Tel Shalem was partially investigated. It was about 180 × 210 m in size and was surrounded by an earth wall. The interior development was not well preserved due to agricultural activities. The buildings were made of adobe bricks and stood on stone foundations. Given the size of the camp, half a legion could be accommodated here. Based on an inscription it is certain that a division of the Legio VI Ferrata was stationed here.


  • N. Zori: An Inscription of the Legion VI Ferrata from Northern Jordan Valley . In: Israel Exploration Journal 21, 1971, pp. 53-54.
  • Gideon Foerster : A Cuirassed Statue of Hadrian . In: Israel Museum News 16, 1980, 107-110
  • Gideon Foerster: A Cuirassed Bronze Statue of Hadrian . In: Atiqot (English Version) 17, 1985, pp. 139-157.
  • Richard A. Gergel; The Tel Shalem Hadrian Reconsidered . In: American Journal of Archeology 95, 1991, pp. 231-251.
  • Yoram Tsafrir : Tabula Imperii Romani: Iudaea-Palaestina . Jerusalem 1994, pp. 219-220.
  • Werner Eck , Gideon Foerster: A triumphal arch for Hadrian in the valley of Beth Shean near Tel Shalem . In: Journal of Roman Archeology 12, 1999, pp. 294-313.
  • Werner Eck: The bar Kokhba Revolt: The Roman Point of View . In: The Journal of Roman Studies 89, 1999, pp. 76-89.
  • Werner Eck: A mirror of power. Latin inscriptions from Roman times in Judaea / Syria Palaestine . In: Journal of the German Palestine Association 117, 2001, pp. 47–63.
  • Glen W. Bowersock : The Tel Shalem Arch and P. Nahal Hever / Seiyal 8 . In: Peter Schäfer (Ed.): The Bar Kokhba was reconsidered. New perspectives on the second Jewish revolt against Rome . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2003, ISBN 978-3-16-148076-8 , pp. 171-180 ( digitized version ).
  • Werner Eck: Hadrian, the Bar Kokhba Revolt, and the Epigraphic Transmission . In: Peter Schäfer (Ed.): The Bar Kokhba was reconsidered. New perspectives on the second Jewish revolt against Rome . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2003, ISBN 978-3-16-148076-8 , pp. 153-170.
  • Menahem Mor: The Geographical Scope of the Bar Kokhba Revolt . In: Peter Schäfer (Ed.): The Bar Kokhba was reconsidered. New perspectives on the second Jewish revolt against Rome . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2003, ISBN 978-3-16-148076-8 , pp. 107-131.
  • Michael Heinzelmann , Manuel Buess: A Hadrianisches Military Camp near Tel Shalem (Israel) - Results of a geophysical prospecting campaign , in: Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica 2, 2012, pp. 175–180 ( digitized version )
  • Menahem Mor: What Does Tel Shalem Have To Do with the Bar Kokhba Revolt? In: Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia , 11, 2013, pp. 79-96 ( digitized version ).
  • Benjamin Arubas, Michael Heinzelmann, David Mevorah, Andrew Overman: Capricorno Alae VII Phrygum… (i) Interim report on the fort near Tel Shalem] . In: Journal of Roman Archeology 32, 2019, pp. 201–213 ( digitized version ).
  • Avner Ecker, Benjamin Arubas, Michael Heinzelmann, David Mevorah: Capricorno Alae VII Phrygum… (ii) Interim report on the inscriptions from the aedes of the fort near Tel Shalem . In: Journal of Roman Archeology 32, 2019, pp. 214-222.
  • Paolo Cimadomo, Luca Franco, Silvio Paglia: Hadrian in Ioudaea. The Celebration of the Emperor Examined Throughout the Tel Shalem Bronze Statue . In: BABesch - Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 94, 2019, pp. 193-210.
  • Menahem Mor: From Shalem (Jerusalem) to Tel Shalem: Hadrian's visit in provincia Judaea . In: Michael Eisenberg, Asher Ovadiah (Ed.): Cornucopia. Studies in honor of Arthur Segal . Giorgio Bretschneider, Rome 2019, pp. 221–226.

Web links

Commons : Tel Shalem  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Eck, Gideon Foerster: A triumphal arch for Hadrian in the valley of Beth Shean near Tel Shalem . In: Journal of Roman Archeology 12, 1999, pp. 294-313.
  2. ^ Richard A. Gergel: The Tel Shalem Hadrian Reconsidered , in: American Journal of Archeology 95, 1991, pp. 231-251.
  3. Eck, Förster, in: Journal of Roman Archeology 12, 1999, pp. 294-296.
  4. Eck, Förster, in: Journal of Roman Archeology 12, 1999, p. 297.

Coordinates: 32 ° 24 ′ 0 ″  N , 35 ° 31 ′ 48 ″  E