Temple of the Ops

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The Temple of the Ops was a small sanctuary on the Capitol in Rome , probably in the Area Capitolina in the immediate vicinity of the temple for Iuppiter Optimus Maximus .

The temple of the ancient Roman goddess Ops was first built in 186 BC. Mentioned in connection with a lightning strike. Towards the end of the 2nd century BC Lucius Caecilius Metellus Delmaticus consecrated a temple to the Opifera , probably the Ops Opifera , which has been handed down in inscriptions . In this case, it would have been a restoration of the Temple of the Ops on the Capitol. If the mention of Pliny refers to a newly built temple, it was probably in the Roman Forum .

Gaius Iulius Caesar deposited the state treasure of 700 million sesterces in the Temple of the Ops on the Capitol . During the secular celebration in 17 BC In AD 80, the matronae gathered in the temple , and the Arval brothers in AD 80 . The granting of civil rights to soldiers was documented in inscriptions on the walls of the temple (see military diploma ), possibly with standard weights inside. The day of inauguration fell on the feast of Opiconsivia on August 25th.


Individual evidence

  1. Titus Livius 39, 22, 4.
  2. Pliny the Elder , Naturalis historia 11, 174.
  3. Marcus Tullius Cicero , Ad Atticum 14, 14, 5; 16, 14, 4.
  4. CIL 6, 32323 .
  5. CIL 6, 2059 .