Terry Lovejoy

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Terry Lovejoy (born November 20, 1966 in Brisbane in Queensland , Australia ) is an Australian computer scientist and a well-known amateur astronomer . He is known among amateur astronomers for his modifications of digital cameras with which he makes these cameras usable for astrophotography by adapting the built-in filters .

On November 27, 2011, he used one of these cameras to discover comet C / 2011 W3 (Lovejoy), which belongs to the so-called Kreutz group . This was the first time such a comet was discovered from a ground-based station in 40 years.

The asteroid (61342) Lovejoy discovered by Gordon J. Garradd was named after him on September 26, 2007 at the suggestion of the discoverer.


With the help of his modified cameras, he discovered six comets: