Tetricus II.

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Antoninian Tetricus' II

Tetricus II († after 274) was 273/274 sub-emperor of the Imperium Galliarum .

Tetricus II was the son of the same name of Tetricus I , the last emperor of the Gallic Empire ( Imperium Galliarum ). His full name was Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus . Both his year of birth and his mother's name are unknown. In 273 his father made him Caesar and bestowed on him the title of princeps iuventutis . On January 1st, 274 he began (together with his father) to establish his first consulate in Augusta Treverorum (Trier), the capital of the Gallic Empire.

After the defeat of the troops of the Gallic Empire against the army of the legitimate Rome Emperor Aurelian near Châlons-en-Champagne in the spring of 274 (which sealed the end of the Gallic Empire), he was presented with his father in Rome during Aurelian's triumphal procession. According to all available written sources, however, his life (like that of his father) was spared by Aurelian. Aurelius Victor and the Historia Augusta even report that Aurelian raised him to the rank of senator. Nothing is known about his further life.



  • John F. Drinkwater: The Gallic Empire. Separatism and Continuity in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire AD 260-274 . Stuttgart 1987 ( Historia individual writings , volume 52).
  • Dietmar Kienast : Roman imperial table. Basic features of a Roman imperial chronology . Darmstadt 1990, p. 244f.
  • Ingemar König : The Gallic usurpers from Postumus to Tetricus . Munich 1981, p. 158ff.
  • Michael Peachin: Roman Imperial Titulature and Chronology, AD 235-284 . Gieben, Amsterdam 1990, ISBN 90-5063-034-0 , pp. 490-493 (compilation of evidence in numismatic, inscribed and narrative sources).

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