Teuthras (King of Phrygia)

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Teuthras ( ancient Greek Τεύθρας ), actually Teleutas ( Τελεύτας ), is king of Phrygia in Greek mythology . In the novel des Dictys Cretensis about the Trojan War , he is killed by the great Aias while he was roaming the land of the Phrygians, his daughter Tekmessa is captured and kidnapped by Aias.

The form of the name Teuthras in Dictys is probably based on confusion with the Mysian king Teuthras . In the tragedy Aias des Sophocles , the Phrygian king and father of the Tekmessa is called Teleutas. In the tragedy, Tekmessa is also robbed by Aias, but Teleutas is not killed.



  1. Dictys Cretensis 2.18 f.
  2. Sophocles, Aias 210,331.