The Adventures of Dollie

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Original title The Adventures Of Dollie
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1908
length 12 minutes
Director David Wark Griffith
script Stanner EV Taylor
production American Mutoscope and Biograph Company
camera Arthur Marvin

The Adventures Of Dollie , a film also released under the titles The Adventures of Dolly and The Adventure of Dollie , is an American silent film drama in which David Wark Griffith makes his debut as a director. The 217.32 m long film was shot in black and white in Sound Beach, Connecticut and first screened on July 14, 1908.


Father and mother are out for a walk with their daughter Dollie on a sunny day. A gypsy wants to sell his mother vessels. When she shows no interest, he tries to steal from her. Her husband rushes over, beats up and chases the gypsy away. In revenge, this kidnaps Dollie and hides her in a barrel in his camp. Although the parents immediately look for their daughter and do not skip the gypsy's horse-drawn carriage, they cannot find the girl. The gypsies load the barrel into the wagon and move on. But when they cross a river they lose it, so that it floats in the water and has to pass dangerous rapids before it is finally pulled to the bank by a boy. The father rushing to free Dollie and take her back in his arms.

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