The Carphone Warehouse Group

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The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC

legal form Public limited company
ISIN GB0008787029
founding 1989
Seat London , UKUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom 
management Charles Dunstone (CEO)
Number of employees over 20,000 (2008)
sales 7,832,000,000 USD (2007)
Branch retail trade

Carphone warehouse office

The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC is a British company headquartered in London and listed on the FTSE 100 stock index on the London Stock Exchange since 2007 .

It was founded in 1989 by Charles Dunstone in London and is the world's largest independent telecommunications chain with over 2,400 stores. In the UK, The Carphone Warehouse has a market share of over 20 percent. The European market share is around 6 percent. The Carphone Warehouse sells more than 14 million cell phones annually.

The group is represented with over 20,000 employees in ten European countries and the USA. On the European mainland, the Carphone Warehouse Group operates under the brand name The Phone House , the subsidiary in Germany is The Phone House Telecom GmbH . In the USA the company operates under the brand name Best Buy mobile . In Great Britain, The Carphone Warehouse also owns the TalkTalk Telecom Limited subsidiary . In Switzerland TalkTalkMobile (on the Sunrise Communications network). In May 2008, Carphone Warehouse and Best Buy announced the establishment of the joint venture Best Buy International Ltd. known, in which both sides will each hold 50 percent. The joint venture, which will then operate 2,400 branches in nine European countries, will also open Best Buy stores in Europe from 2009.

As of March 29, 2010, the company split into two listed companies, the retail sale of mobile phones will continue under the old name Carphone Warehouse Group PLC, and the broadband communication division will operate under the name TalkTalk Telecom Group PLC.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hoover's: Carphone Warehouse Company Overview
  2. The Phone House: Investor Information ( Memento of the original from February 25, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /