The Process Church of The Final Judgment

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The Process Church of the Final Judgment , (English: Process Church of the Last Judgment ), sometimes also referred to as the Process Church , was a religious group that was very popular in the 1960s and 1970s and was founded by the English couple Mary Anne and Robert DeGrimston was founded. The group had set itself apart as an independent splinter group from the Church of Scientology , based in London. The followers of the group were therefore by Scientology leader L. Ron Hubbard to suppressive persons declared ( "suppressive persons") and ejected. In 1966 the group moved to Xtul on the Mexican Yucatan peninsula , where they invented their "processean" theology. They later founded their new center in New Orleans , USA .


In April 1974, after his divorce from his wife Mary Anne, "the Teacher" Robert DeGrimston, was expelled from the group. The group now rejected The Unitiy , DeGrimston's account of the teachings input from above, and most of his other teachings. DeGrimston tried several times to revive the Process Church , but failed to regain his old following. After DeGrimston was ruled out, the group changed its name to Foundation Church of the Millenium . Most of the old followers followed in 1968 Gilles Deleuze and his "anti-Oedipus movement". In 1978 the group was renamed Foundation Faith of the Millenium and in 1993 Foundation Faith of God . She later renamed herself again to Best Friends Animal Society .

Satanism and Charles Manson

The followers of the Process Church of The Final Judgment were often viewed as Satanists for worshiping both Jesus Christ and Satan . They believed that Satan would be reconciled to Christ at the end of days and that they would then hold the Last Judgment on humanity together, judging Christ and executing Satan. Vincent Bugliosi, the prosecutor who was investigating Charles Manson , wrote in his book Helter Skelter that Manson's worldview was influenced by the philosophy of the Process Church . Church members reportedly visited Manson in prison. The purpose of the visits is said to have been to ask Manson whether he had any contact with Church members or whether he had ever read any literature from them. The group itself wrote an article about Manson and the prison visits in the special edition of Process Magazine entitled "Death".


According to the "Process Church", the so-called channeling of messages from God took place in Xtul for the first time . From then on, Jehovah was the only God worthy of appreciation for the group. Later came the teaching of the Three Great Gods of the Universe , who were to be Jehovah, Lucifer and Satan, and Christ as their envoy. According to this doctrine, these three deities represent three basic patterns of human perception or attitude to the world:

  • Jehovah is the angry God of vengeance and retribution who demands discipline, courage, and ruthlessness. He also wants a person to be completely focused on duty, purity and self-denial.
  • Lucifer , the bearer of light, drives his followers to enjoy their life, to try to have success in life, to be loving and nice with one another and to live in peace and harmony with all others.
  • Satan , the herald of the transcendent souls and the damaged bodies is said to have given his followers two contradicting qualities: 1. the attempt to renounce all physical temptations and thus become wholly soul, and 2. to give in to all human desires and so to give full body become. (Two contrary "ways of salvation" which, as a consequence of a dualistic-religious cosmology, have also been known by Gnostic sects since ancient times.)

The Process Church believes that all three divine realities exist in every human being. The main teaching, however, is the unity of Christ and Satan as the unity of two opposites. In addition, Jehovah and Lucifer exist as opposites. When Christ and Satan come together at the Last Judgment, Jehovah and Lucifer will also unite.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nick Clarke: 'It is dreadful to be an onlooking parent, for the loved child is lost' ( English ) In: The Guardian . October 20, 1999. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  2. a b c d Timothy Wyllie: Love Sex Fear Death: The Inside Story of the Process Church of the Final Judgment ( English ). Feral House , 2009, ISBN 978-1-932595-37-6 .
  3. a b Kathryn L. Duvall: The Process ( English ) In: Religious Movements . University of Virginia. Archived from the original on August 28, 2006. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 16, 2007. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b c d Sabrina Verney: Xtul: An experience of The Process ( English ). PublishAmerica , 2011, ISBN 978-1456042097 .
  5. ^ Process Church / Best Friends Articles of Incorporation ( English ) Louisiana Secretary of State. Retrieved November 23, 2014.