Theodor Hayek

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Theodor Hayek (born September 8, 1887 in Brno , † November 6, 1970 in Gmunden ) was a Moravian engineer and the pioneer of the sugar industry in Ireland and New Zealand.


Theodor Hayek grew up in Brno, attended school there and began studying chemistry at the German Technical University in Brno in 1905 . Here he joined the Corps Marchia Brno . He participated in the First World War as a soldier. In 1919 he completed his chemistry studies with the 2nd state examination.

After completing his studies, he first took up a position as an engineer at the Grusbach sugar factory in South Moravia and quickly acquired a reputation as a specialist. A little later he went to the young Republic of Ireland , where he was instrumental in building several sugar factories to build up an agricultural industry in the young state. He also awarded some large orders to the First Brno Machine Factory. In 1930 he lived as a sugar factory director in Carlow , where on January 5, 1926, the groundbreaking ceremony for the local sugar factory took place with his participation.

Through the mediation of Éamon de Valera , with whom he was now on friendly terms through the development work for Ireland, Hayek took on a similar activity in New Zealand , where a sugar factory group with four plants was in the making, and became General Director of the Irish and New Zealand factories. After the outbreak of World War II , Hayek was taken off board by two British destroyers on a trip to New Zealand and handed over to the German authorities at the Swiss border, as he was a citizen of Czechoslovakia and since the annexation it had been under the influence of the German Empire . His international recognition saved him from the usual war internment.

After 1945, suffering from severe diabetes, he lived in Gmunden am Traunsee and only worked as a consultant. He therefore had to refuse an offer from de Valera to take over management again. In 1954 he was awarded the Ribbon of the Corps Posonia Vienna.


  • Norbert Koniakowsky, Wolf Engert , Hadwin Elstner: Corps Marchia Brünn 1865–1995 , Trier 1995.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Memories of Anton Hödl, General Director of the First Brno Machine Factory Company
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 24 , 113
  3. ^ Carlow Sugar Beet Factory
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 18 , 113
  5. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 135 , 115