Theodore Barkhausen

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Theodore Barkhausen (born August 18, 1869 in Stade , † November 1, 1959 in Kaiserswerth ) was a German deaconess and long-time director of the Auguste Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem .


Theodore Barkhausen was the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Barkhausen and his wife Julie, geb. Kuhn.

After her mother's death in 1892 she led her father until his death in 1903 the budget and accompanied him on official occasions, including in the wake of the Palestine travel Kaiser Wilhelm II. On November 18, 1905, they entered the Kaiserwerther Diakonissenmutterhaus and was at 7 October 1908 consecrated as a deaconess. In April 1909, Sister Theodore was sent to Jerusalem, where, together with some of her fellow sisters, she was to advance the project of the Empress Auguste Victoria Foundation (Mount of Olives Foundation) on the Mount of Olives . The management of the project became her life's work. The inauguration of the foundation building took place on April 9, 1910 in the presence of Prince Eitel Friedrich von Prussia and his wife Sophie Charlotte von Oldenburg .

Augusta Victoria Hospital with Assumption Church , 1921 under the British flag
Earthquake damage 1927

The facility was still under construction until 1914; then it became Turkish headquarters in World War I and British headquarters from 1917. Theodore Barkhausen and the sisters had to leave the Mount of Olives; However, she did not come to the Egyptian internment camp Helouan ( Al-Qahira ), but was able to stay in Jerusalem, where she found accommodation until August 1923 in the leper asylum for Jesus Help . Together with the head of the Syrian orphanage Pastor Theodor Schneller , she took on the representation of German evangelical interests .

In 1923 Theodore Barkhausen took over the management of the Kaiserswerth Deaconess Hospital in Jerusalem and practically the overall management of the Kaiserswerther Orient work . She became a member of the church council of the Church of the Redeemer . After the earthquake of 1927, she coordinated the repair work at the Auguste Victoria Hospital.

After the outbreak of World War II , the facility on the Mount of Olives was again confiscated by the English. From June 4, 1940, Theodore Barkhausen was interned in the Templar colony of Wilhelma , where she took care of nursing and teaching. From 1948 to 1950 she lived again in the leper asylum, because the Auguste Victoria Hospital was now in the Jordanian part of Jerusalem until 1968 and was administered by the Lutheran World Federation . In 1950 she returned to Kaiserswerth and spent her evening at the retirement home .

A comprehensive biography of Theodore Barkhausen remains a research desideratum .


  • Ruth Felgentreff: Deaconess Theodore Barkhausen. In: Messages from ecumenism and work abroad 2002 , p. ( Full text )
  • Heidemarie Wawrzyn: Ham and eggs in Palestine: the Auguste Victoria Foundation 1898-1939. Diagonal-Verlag 2005 ISBN 9783927165946 , p. 37ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roland Löffler: Protestants in Palestine: Religious Policy, Social Protestantism and Mission in the German Protestant and Anglican Institutions of the Holy Land 1917-1939. (Denomination and Society 37) Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2008 ISBN 9783170196933 , p. 98.
  2. Felgentreff (lit.).
  3. Roland Löffler: Review of: Wawrzyn, Heidemarie: Ham and Eggs in Palestine. The Auguste Victoria Foundation 1898-1939. Marburg 2005, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, June 12, 2006, [1] .