Thietmar von Minden

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Thietmar's statue at Minden Cathedral

Thietmar (also Thiemo , now Dietmar von Minden ; * Bavaria ; † March 5, 1206 in Minden ) was Bishop of Minden from 1185 to 1206.

The name Thietmar (today: Dietmar ) comes from Old High German and means who is famous among the people .

On March 21, 1189, Emperor Heinrich VI. , at that time still king , Bishop Dietmar von Minden the right to exploit the silver deposits discovered near Dehem (today: district Dehme of the city of Bad Oeynhausen ) and near Cruckeberge (today: district of Krückeberg of the city of Hessisch Oldendorf ) .

In 1200 Thietmar inaugurated the Marienwerder monastery .

Thietmar is reported to have led the Minden Church with prudence and wisdom, virtuous and ascetic in personal matters.

Thietmar is venerated as a saint .

His feast day is the day of his death, March 5th .

Legend of saints

It is said about Thietmar that he wanted to fast with bread and water on a Good Friday , as was customary for him, although he was physically very weak. However, the water that his servant had drawn from the well had turned into wine. Thietmar refused the potion and asked for water again.

As he was served wine over and over again, he began to distrust the servant. Finally he accompanied him to the well and carefully observed how it scooped the water. When he himself noticed how the water had turned into wine, he thanked God that God had strengthened him with this wonderful drink despite his unworthiness.

Individual evidence

  1. Dietmar von Minden in the Ecumenical Saint Lexicon
  2. a b Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon Thietmar on September 16, 2006
  3. Chronicle of the City of Minden ( Memento from March 2, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) on August 12, 2006
predecessor Office successor
Anno from Landsberg Bishop of Minden
Henry II