Thomas D. Meier

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Thomas Dominik Meier (* 1958 in Basel ) is a Swiss historian and has been the rector of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) since 2009 .


Thomas D. Meier studied history as well as English and American studies at the University of Bern and received his doctorate with the thesis “Heimatlose und Vaganten. Integration and Assimilation of the Homeless and the Non-Settled in the 19th Century in Switzerland ”, which was published in an expanded form by Chronos Verlag . After completing his studies, he worked as a research assistant at the University of Bern and at the Bernisches Historisches Museum in communication and mediation as well as in management.

From 1996 he was the founding director of the Museum for Communication in Bern until he was elected director of the Bern University of the Arts in 2003 . In autumn 2009 he moved to the Zurich University of the Arts as rector. From 2004 to 2011 he was the founding president of the Conference of Art Schools in Switzerland and is involved in various national and international committees for cultural and educational policy as well as the promotion of culture.


  • with Rolf Wolfensberger: From the "Medical Police" to public health care , in: St. Galler Kantonsgeschichte, St. Gallen 2003.
  • with Rolf Wolfensberger: Homeless and non-settled people in the early 19th century , in: St. Galler Kantonsgeschichte, St. Gallen 2003.
  • (Ed.): Medium Museum - Communication and Mediation in Museums for Art and History , Bern, Haupt 2000.
  • Troubled childhood. Childhood with the Travelers , in: Being a child in Switzerland, ed. by Paul Hugger, Zurich, Offizin 1998.
  • with Martin Gasser and Rolf Wolfensberger: "Against Läugnen und Verstell" , Zurich, Offizin 1998.
  • with Rolf Wolfensberger: A home and yet none. Homeless and non-settled people in Switzerland (16th – 19th centuries) , Zurich, Chronos 1998.

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