Thomas D. Doubt

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Thomas D. Zweifel (born January 7, 1962 in Paris ) is a Swiss and American management consultant, author and university lecturer.


Thomas David Zweifel was born on January 7, 1962 in Neuilly, a suburb of Paris, to a Jewish mother and a Christian father. His sister died of addiction when she was eighteen. The divorce of his parents in 1970 prompted him to later write leadership books. His mother, Eva Schönberg, worked as one of the first female criminal judges in Switzerland after women were given the right to vote and to vote in 1971. His father Hans-Ulrich Zweifel was an architect.

From 1985 to 1997 he worked for the non-governmental organization The Hunger Project . As their director for global operations (from 1992 to 1997) he lived in various European countries as well as in Japan, India and the USA. He was responsible for the profitability of 27 Global Affiliates, but had no legal power to issue orders.

1996 acquired doubt a master's degree at the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University in New York City . In 2001 he received his doctorate in international political economy from New York University with a thesis on the democratic deficits of the European Union, particularly in the regulation of company mergers.

Leadership: Methods and Practice

Doubt developed various leadership theories . In 1997 he became co-founder and CEO of the Swiss Consulting Group , a management consultancy that he sold in 2013. Since then he has been working as a freelance business consultant for strategy and implementation.

Since 2001, he has also been teaching as an adjunct professor at Columbia University and since 2004 as a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen . As a keynote speaker he appears for various speaker bureaus in Europe and the USA.


  • 2002: Democratic Deficit? Institutions and Regulation in the European Union, Switzerland, and the United States (Rowman & Littlefield)
  • 2003: Communicate or Die: Getting Results Through Speaking and Listening (SelectBooks), ISBN 1-59079-000-6
  • 2003: Culture Clash: Managing the Global High-Performance Team (SelectBooks)
  • 2005: International Organizations: Democracy, Accountability, Power (Lynne Rienner Publishers)
  • 2008 (with Aaron L. Raskin) The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders (Select Books), ISBN 1-59079-150-9 , German: The Rabbi and the CEO: What Executives Learn from the Ten Commandments can (Linde Verlag, 2012)
  • 2010: Leadership in 100 Days: A Systematic Self-Coaching Workbook (iHorizon eBook)

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