Thomas Dausgaard

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Thomas Dausgaard (born July 4, 1963 in Copenhagen ) is a Danish conductor.


Thomas Dausgaard studied conducting at the Royal Danish Conservatory in Copenhagen and with Norman Del Mar at the Royal College of Music in London . He completed master classes with Franco Ferrara , Leonard Bernstein and Hiroyuki Iwaki and initially worked as an assistant to Seiji Ozawa at the Boston Symphony Orchestra . In 1997 he became Chief Conductor of the Swedish Chamber Orchestra and remained in this position until 2019. Between 2001 and 2004 he was Principal Guest Conductor of the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and from 2004 to 2012 Chief Conductor of that orchestra. He has been Chief Conductor of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra since 2016, and has led the Seattle Symphony since 2019 .

Dausgaard has made recordings on the Chandos , Marco Polo and Simax labels .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Günter Moseler:  Dausgaard, Thomas. In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, supplement for both parts. Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 2008, ISBN 978-3-7618-1139-9  ( online edition , subscription required for full access)
  2. Thomas Dausgaard on: IMG Artists
  3. BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra named new conductor on: BBC News of March 11, 2015
  4. Thomas Dausgaard reappointed as BBC SSO Chief Conductor to: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
  5. Thomas Dausgaard Named Next Music Director of the Seattle Symphony on: Seattle Symphony