Thomas Eschaus

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Thomas Eschaus , also Eshaus, Eschhausen, Esch et al. (* Around 1445 in Recklinghausen ; † before August 19, 1535 in Wittenberg ) was a German physician.


Eschaus enrolled at the University of Cologne on November 28, 1491 . After his studies, he went to the University of Wittenberg as a notary in 1502 , where he became a baccalaureus in Roman law in the winter semester of 1504 . However, he concentrated more on medical studies and obtained the degree of baccalaureus in medicine at the medical faculty there in the same semester. When he got into the senate of the medical school, he gave lectures. He then obtained his licentiate and received his doctorate on September 13, 1518 as a doctor of medicine.

In the summer semester of 1519 and 1528 and in the winter semesters of 1520, 1521, 1523 and 1525 he was dean of the medical faculty, in the summer semester of 1521 he was vice dean. According to Martin Luther's testimony , Eschaus was still in his old age the most capable doctor in Wittenberg and was also valued as a teacher of medicine. Even if he had to limit himself to private lectures throughout his life, he was still able to manage the rectorate of the Wittenberg Academy in the summer semester of 1523 .

Luther tried unsuccessfully to use himself for his friend Eschaus so that he received a medical chair. In addition, Eschau's tight financial circumstances and an illness that began before 1525 worsened his situation. He received an annual salary of 30 guilders from Elector Johann . After his death between April and August 1535, this amount should go to the two professors of medicine.

A daughter Margarethe is known from his marriage to Gertrud N., which can still be traced back to 1539.


  • Nikolaus Müller: The Wittenberg Movement 1521 and 1522. The events in and around Wittenberg during Luther's stay in the Wartburg. Letters, files and the like and personal details . 2nd Edition. Heinsius, Leipzig 1911.
  • Walter Friedensburg : History of the University of Wittenberg . Max Niemeyer publishing house , Halle (Saale) 1917.
  • Hans Theodor Koch: The Wittenberg Medical Faculty (1502–1652). A biobibliographical overview . In: Stefan Oehmig (ed.): Medicine and social affairs in Central Germany during the Reformation (= writings of the Luther Memorials Foundation in Saxony-Anhalt , vol. 6). Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2007, ISBN 978-3-374-02437-7 (Acta of the conference of the Leucorea Foundation and the Luther Memorials Foundation in Saxony-Anhalt from February 15 to 17, 2006).