Thomas Gulich

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Thomas Jürg Gulich (* 1961 ) is a Swiss manager, entrepreneur and former sports official.


Gulich studied business informatics at the University of Zurich and later did his doctorate . After working for an IBM dealer and Swiss Re , Gulich started working for Credit Suisse in 1996 . There he was head of the leasing business in 2003 . In 2011 Gulich founded Gulich Consulting AG. Gulich has been working for Spross-Holding in Zurich since December 2015 and has power of attorney at its subsidiaries Platanus Holding, Platanus Immobilien, Spross Muldenservice and Debag.

Gulich is married and has two children. He lives in Männedorf . Gulich is a passionate marathon runner with a personal best of just over 2 hours 40 minutes.

Sports official

In June 2003, Gulich was elected President of the Swiss football club Grasshopper Club Zurich . Before that he was a member of the "Thursday Club", the club's supporters' association. In October 2004, Gulich resigned due to the club's lack of sporting success.

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Gulich: A GC fan for 33 years and now the new president. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  2. a b c A marathon man just before the finish line. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  3. ^ Gulich Consulting AG. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  4. Thomas Gulich. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  5. ^ Scion Muldenservice AG - Current Management. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  6. ^ Debag AG Zurich. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  7. a b Football: A transfer of high leadership quality. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  8. ^ Radical break in the GC. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .
  9. Thomas Gulich in an interview: “Nobody pushed me to resign”. Retrieved March 19, 2016 .