Thomas I (Jerusalem)

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Thomas I (also known under the Persian name Tamriq ; † 821 ) was the Greek patriarch of Jerusalem from 807 until his death .


Before he became a monk in Mar Saba Monastery , Thomas practiced as a doctor . Later he was hegumen of the monastery Khariton near Suca.

During his tenure as patriarch, the roof of the Holy Sepulcher was renewed. Thomas had fifteen cedars and fifteen fir trees brought from Cyprus. Charlemagne bore part of the cost.


  • Amnon Linder: Christian Communities in Jerusalem . In: Joshua Prawer, Haggai Ben-Shammai (ed.): The History of Jerusalem: The Early Muslim Period (638-1099) . NYU Press, New York City 1996, ISBN 0-8147-6639-0 , pp. 128 .

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predecessor Office successor
Georgios II Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem