Thomas Nisslmüller

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Thomas Nisslmüller (born October 11, 1964 in Worms ) is a German theologian and media / communication scientist.


After studying theology in London, Mainz and Hamburg and completing his doctorate at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (1995), he was initially a lecturer at R. Brockhaus Verlag in Wuppertal, then pastor in the Ruhr area (Dortmund-Hörde, from 1996 to 2002). During this time he held various teaching positions at the University of Dortmund and at the private University of Witten / Herdecke , and also taught temporarily as a lecturer at the Moscow Biblical Institute (with guest lecture at Lomonossow University) and in Bulgaria.

After his Executive MBA studies at the University of St. Gallen, the University of California Berkeley and the Center Universitaire in Luxembourg (2002), he taught as a visiting professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) of Saint Mary in 2003 and 2004 ´s College of California (Moraga, USA) specializing in Business Ethics.

From 2004 to 2005 he was the first German radio presenter to work for BBN (Bible Broadcasting Network, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA). During this time he also worked as a pastor of the German Church in Charlotte and as a soccer coach at the Charlotte Soccer Club. In 2006 he completed his habilitation at the Technical University of Dortmund on the subject of "Homo audiens", where he has since taught as a private lecturer . In 2011 he was a substitute professor at TU Dortmund University. In February 2014 he was re-qualified from NRW to Rhineland-Palatinate at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, where he has been teaching as a private lecturer at the seminar for practical theology since then.

Since 2006, as an educational consultant, he has been accompanying young people in their decision for bachelor's / master's degrees for German and international study careers. In addition, he took on shorter teaching engagements at the European Business School (Wiesbaden). As an external examiner, he has been involved in admission procedures at private universities since 2007.

Nisslmüller's publications are primarily devoted to theological-interdisciplinary topics: business ethics, media theory, auditory and reception aesthetics, lifestyle and hermeneutics.

The theory of auditory aesthetics and the inner listening stage, which he developed in his habilitation thesis, met with approval across the boundaries of theology. Above all, his 95 listening modes (auditory dispositives in the act of listening) developed in this work have allegedly experienced resonance in and beyond theological research.

Nisslmüller lives near Wiesbaden and is a conference and lecturer. He also appears with the musician Jonathan Böttcher as part of the stage program “Alles hat seine Zeit”.

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