Thomas North

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Sir Thomas North (* 1523 in London ; † 1601 ibid) was an English sea ​​captain and translator.


North came from a middle-class London family and studied at Peterhouse College , Cambridge . In 1557 he worked at Lincoln's Inn and in 1574 went to France . North served as captain in the battle against the Spanish Armada (1588) and was ennobled three years later by Queen Elizabeth I as a Knight Bachelor .

“The Diall of Princes” (1557) is the translation of a work by the Spanish author Antonio de Guevara . Later he translated the “Moral Philosophy” of the Italian Anton Francesco Doni (1570) and a book with oriental fables “Kalilah and Dimnah”. In 1579 his translation of "Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans" by Plutarch was published based on the French version by Jacques Amyot . The book later provided material for William Shakespeare's classic historical dramas.
