Thyanta custator

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Thyanta custator
Thyanta custator

Thyanta custator

Family : Stink bugs (Pentatomidae)
Subfamily : Pentatominae
Tribe : Pentatomini
Genre : Thyanta
Subgenus : Thyanta
Type : Thyanta custator
Scientific name
Thyanta custator
( Fabricius , 1803)

Thyanta (Thyanta) custator is a Wanzenart from the family of stink bugs (Pentatomidae). In English, the bug is also known as the Red-shouldered Stink Bug ("red shouldered stink bug ").


The green or brownish colored 10 to 11 millimeter long bugs are externally very variable. They often have a pink horizontal stripe on the pronotum, the front sides of the pronotum and the lower end of the label (scutellum) are often pink. However, there are populations that lack these characteristics.


The bug species occurs in North and Central America. It is present and widespread across the continents in the United States and Canada.

Way of life

The polyphagous bugs have a wide range of host and fodder plants. In addition to many other plants , these include Prosopis , Baccharis , Bouteloua grasses, guayule and goldenrod ( Solidago ). The bugs cause damage to crops such as cotton , sorghum , soybeans and maize . That is why they are considered pests of economic importance in the United States .


The species of the genus Thyanta have been revised several times. A subdivision of the bugs into Thyanta custator and Thyanta pallidovirens as well as the latter into 3 subspecies ( accerra , setosa and spinosa ), proposed by Herbert Ruckes in 1957, was later rejected by David Rider. According to the current opinion, only those populations occurring in California with missing thorns or spots on the underside of the abdomen belong to Thyanta pallidovirens .

In the literature, the following synonyms are used for Thyanta custator :

  • Thyanta accerra McAtee , 1919
  • Thyanta spinosa Ruckes , 1957

Subspecies of Thyanta custator are:

  • Thyanta custator accerra ( McAtee , 1919)
  • Thyanta custator custator ( Fabricius , 1803)
  • Thyanta custator spinosa

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Species Thyanta custator - Red-shouldered Stink Bug . Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  2. a b c K. Kamminga et al .: Field Guide to Stink Bugs (PDF 1.9 MB) Virginia Integrated Pest Management. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  3. a b c Fungi or Plant Host Records List by Host Species . North Dakota State University, Fargo. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  4. Charles P.-C. Suh, John K. Westbrook & Jesus F. Esquivel: Species of Stink Bugs in Cotton and Other Row Crops in the Brazos River Bottom of Texas (Abstract) . Southwestern Entomologist 38 (4): 561-570. 2013. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  5. ^ Herbert Ruckes: The taxonomic status and distribution of Thyanta custator (Fabricius) and Thyanta pallido-virens (Stal) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). American Museum novitates; no.1824 . American Museum of Natural History - Research Library, Digital Repository. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  6. ^ A b Thyanta (Thyanta) custator . Retrieved January 14, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Thyanta custator  - collection of images, videos and audio files