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Thymedia ( Greek  Θυμηδία , "heart joy") is the supplemented name of a mainade of Greek mythology , which can only be found as an inscription to figures on two Greek vases . The name has not been passed down in literary documents.

A figure can be found on a red-figure Choenkanne found in Vulci , the name vase of the Kraipale painter , which was made at the end of the 5th century BC. BC originated. The picture shows the seated Mainade Kraipale , to the left of her is the satyr Sikinnos . Behind her stands the maenad Thymedia in a long chiton with a bowl in hand from which smoke or steam rises. While the inscriptions to Kraipale and Sikinnos have been completely preserved, only ΘΥΜΗ can be seen above their head, which led to various attempts at supplementation such as Thymedia , Euthyme , Ephymnia . It has also been suggested to read her name without any addition as a derivation from Thymíama ("incense") as personification of the smoke offering ; assuming the vessel in her hand is definitely a censer. After a detailed examination of the inscription, John D. Beazley joined the opinion, which is still accepted today, that the name should be read as Thymedia. He interprets the vessel in her hand as a specially shaped thymiaterion , but a drinking vessel with a steaming drink cannot be ruled out. The content of the presentation is also unclear: Either it is a scene from a myth that has not been handed down in literature or a custom practiced during the Attic Dionysus festival of Anthesteria and transferred to the entourage of Dionysus , since Choenkannen were mainly produced for this and often show the course of the festival.

The second occurrence of this name can be found on the fragment of a bell crater in the style of the dinosaur painter who lived around 420 BC. BC originated. In addition to the Mainade Paidia the inscription ΘΥΜΗ is to be read, which was also complemented by Beazley to Thymedia. The image belonging to the inscription has not survived.



  1. ^ Museum of Fine Arts, Boston , inventory number 00.352
  2. ^ About Karl Preisendanz : Thyme . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 5, Leipzig 1924, Col. 924 f. ( Digitized version ).
  3. ^ John D. Beazley , Lacey D. Caskey : Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Volume 2. Boston, Oxford University Press 1954, pp. 93-95 ( online ). Here also to other additions.
  4. ^ Agora Museum , Athens , inventory number P 9189.