Animal sponsorship

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An animal sponsorship is a sponsorship in which a person takes on a duty of care for an animal or a species of animal . The duty of care is linked to a payment by the sponsor to an animal welfare institution .

Animal sponsorship providers

Animal shelters , wildlife parks , zoos , the German Animal Welfare Association and the World Wide Fund For Nature as well as other animal welfare institutions offer sponsorships.

Sponsorships for animals in the animal shelter

Animal shelters sponsor animals that are difficult to find. Animals can be difficult to convey, for example, because of their advanced age, an impaired state of health or behavior that is not towards people and other living beings.

Sponsorship agreement

The animal shelter and the sponsor conclude a contract stating the respective amount of the financial donations on the part of the sponsor and the cycle within which these are made. The sponsorship contract continues even after the animal has been mediated or in the event of its death. In the case described, it is transferred to another animal. This is done by mutual agreement. The contract can be terminated within the deadlines set by the animal shelter.

Sponsorships for animals in wildlife parks, zoos and the facilities of the German Animal Welfare Association

Sponsorships for animals living in a wildlife park or zoo or in the facilities of the German Animal Welfare Association are also possible. These can also be taken over by companies .

Sponsorships for animals at WWF

Sponsorships are also awarded by the World Wide Fund For Nature ( WWF ). Duties of care are taken over for individual species. Godfather and WWF do not conclude a contract. The sponsorship can be canceled informally at any time.

Use of sponsorship contributions

With his payment to the animal welfare institution, the sponsor contributes to

  • the animal's accommodation
  • its supply of feed and
  • the care as well
  • medical treatment

to guarantee. Several people can sponsor the same animal.

A sponsorship for an animal species should change the living conditions for it in a positive way. The sponsors' payments are used, for example, to help set up protected areas .

Animal sponsors

Sponsors for zoo animals include Stefan Raab , Bernd Stelter and Wilfried Schmickler .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Animal sponsorship , accessed on June 23, 2016.
  2. ^ Animal sponsorships , accessed on June 23, 2016.
  3. ↑ Become a sponsor . , accessed June 23, 2016.
  4. ^ Godfather for the tigers , accessed June 23, 2016.
  5. Raab & Co. These Cologne celebrities are already godparents , accessed on June 23, 2016.