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A tabby dog - mastiff tiger
“A lurking tiger”, 1738, by Ridinger - today's terminology had not yet established itself.

Tigerung is an obsolescent term for speckled or spotted coat patterns of animals, such as at the " Tiger Great Dane " or the old German shepherd dog from the blow Tiger . In dogs appearing strip patterns are as brindle called.

In the meantime, the term tenting is used more often for striped coat drawings, as can be desirable in domestic cats that are bred according to breed standards. In contrast to the flow, clearly separated stripe patterns are emphasized, as they often but not necessarily occur in the tiger .

The older use of this term is likely to be due to the fact that the word "tiger" was already present in the German vocabulary before the taxonomic classification of big cats was completed. It has been detectable in Germany since the 12th century. The subdivision of the real big cats ( Panthera ) within the cats (Felidae) , which is basically still valid today , was first made in 1816 by Lorenz Oken . At this time, too, the designation tiger was common in the names and paraphrases of other big cats than - according to today's view - "correct" tigers, for example: "American tiger" for the jaguar . Also tigris , i.e. tiger, was used by some authors as a generic term for the actual big cats. In this sense, the word was also used generally around 1800.

“The tiger, or tiger, des -s, plur. ut nom. sing. Diminut. Tiegerchen, Oberd. Little creature.
1) Actually, a four-footed fifteen-toed wild animal of prey, as large as a lion, with tufted or streaked spots all over its body, and is often found in Asia and Africa; the Tiegerthier.
2) Every other animal that is tiger, that is, is spotted like a tiger, is also figurative; B. called a horse, a dog, a cat, a tiger. The name is from the Greek. and Lat. Tigris."

Originally (at least also) the meaning of a spotted fur pattern was associated with the tiging, which only became apparent after the classification of the big cats - that is, the definition of what is to be understood by a tiger in biological and taxonomic terms and its differentiation from other big cats - gradually changed to the prevailing notion that this meant a striped pattern alone. With the progress of the classification and the differentiation of the level of knowledge in the population, there was a narrowing of meaning or, better, a change in the image associated with the term, how a tiger and thus a tiger should look, which is almost completely closed in everyday language. Nevertheless, it remained unchanged as a technical term , for example in the field of cynology .

Both meanings are given in the Duden.

Exercise in dogs

Types of training in dogs or existing names in this regard are:

Great Danes:

  • Spotted tiger
    • "normal" tiger mastiff preferred by breeding (white basic color with black spots; heterozygous merle + heterozygous harlequin (MmHh))
    • Grautiger (gray base color with black spots; (Mmhh))
    • White tiger (white share of more than 50%; usually homozygous merle (MMhh / MMHh) with the associated health problems ( torture breeding ))
    • and others (in the case of Great Danes, all other colored spotted tigers than the aforementioned are considered false colors )
  • Manteltiger (standard desired for Great Danes: black coat on a white base color; all other coat colors are considered wrong colors)
    • Blue-coated tiger
    • Yellow-coated tiger
    • u. a.

Dachshund ('Tiger Dachshund'):

  • Black tiger (black base color with burn + lightening by heterozygous merle (Mm); this leads (in the ideal case) to dark anthracite to silver-gray color fields on black base color. A clearly defined, even distribution between the base color black and the merle markings over the entire body is desired. )
  • Rottiger (red base color + lightening by heterozygous merle (Mm))
  • Brown tiger (basic brown color + lightening by heterozygous merle (Mm))
  • Mixed-colored tigers can also be drawn, but these may not conform to the standards.
  • White tigers can result from incorrect mating of Tiger * Tiger (MM); White is not a designated color in the FCI standard for the Dachshund.

Old German herding dogs of the type Tiger (speaking name as with almost all old Germans):

  • White tiger (also used here for heterozygous merle; white and black)
  • Gray tiger (gray and black)
  • Rottiger (red and black)
  • tricolor tigers

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Digital dictionary of the German language, there: Etymological dictionary according to Pfeifer, keyword: Tiger
  2. Lorenz, Textbook of Natural History: 3rd Part. Zoology, 2nd Department of Meat Animals, Volume 3, Reclam, 1816, p. 1052 following
  3. cf. e.g. Lorenz, Textbook of Natural History: 3rd part. Zoology, 2nd Department of Meat Animals, Volume 3, Reclam, 1816, p. 1063
  4. Wilsons & Reeder's Mammal species of the World, 3rd edition, entry: GENUS Panthera (synonyms)
  5. ^ Johann Christoph Adelung : in: Grammatical-critical dictionary of the High German dialect with constant comparison of the other dialects, but especially the Upper German. Second, increased and improved edition. Leipzig 1793-1801. Keyword: Tieger, Vol. 4, Col. 603
  6. ^ Duden, keyword: "getigert", accessed on May 21, 2013
  7. not conclusive
  8. a b doggen.info.de, Cornélius Sachdé in: Pigment deficiency-related deafness in dogs - color genetics part 2 p. 3 - accessed on November 9, 2015
  9. A. Herzog, Th. Bartels, M. Dayen, K. Loeffler, L. Reetz, B. Rusche, J. Unshelm: Expert opinion on the interpretation of § 11 b of the Animal Welfare Act (prohibition of torture breeding) of June 2, 1999, p 23-24 (PDF) - accessed November 9, 2015
  10. ^ Description of the tiger by the AAH
  11. “Rottiger: rotschwarz” Roth in Endangered Dog Breeds - 4.5.5 Old German Tiger , GEH, 2000 (PDF) - accessed on May 18, 2019
  12. Images of tiger dachshunds of other colors, e.g. at Teckel vom Rehsprung - the tabby short-haired dachshund in the color variants black, brown and red tiger - accessed on November 11, 2015