Tim Pargent

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Tim Pargent

Tim Pargent (born June 7, 1993 in Pegnitz ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) and has been a member of the Bavarian state parliament since the state election in 2018 . Since November 6, 2019, he has also been Deputy Parliamentary Director and Deputy Chairman of his parliamentary group .


After attending school at Christian-Ernestinum Bayreuth, Tim Pargent earned a bachelor's degree in "International Economics and Development" and a master's degree in "Human Geography - Urban and Regional Research" at the University of Bayreuth .

During his school days, he was active as the student representative of his school and deputy district student representative. He was also an elected member of the youth parliament in Bayreuth from 2009 to 2011. From 2012 to 2016 he was a member of the student parliament and, for two terms, of the University Council of the University of Bayreuth .


Tim Pargent has been a member of the Green Youth since 2010 and of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party since 2011. Since 2012 he has been the spokesman for the Bayreuth Green District Association .

In 2014 he was elected to the City Council of Bayreuth as the youngest member of the city's history. In the state elections in Bavaria in 2018, he received a mandate in the state parliament. Pargent is a member of the State Budget and Financial Affairs Committee. Since his duties as a member of the state parliament could hardly be combined with his work as a city council member, Pargent resigned his city council mandate and all related tasks on February 26, 2019.

Election results

For the 2013 district elections, Tim Pargent ran for second place on the list in Upper Franconia. With 4.92% of the first votes and 6.78% of the second votes, he missed the entry into the district assembly.

In the Bayreuth city council election in March 2014, Tim Pargent received the fourth-highest number of votes from the Green candidate with 5,312 votes, making him one of five Green members in the city council. He was not only the youngest member of the city council in the current period, but also the youngest Bayreuth city council of all time.

As a direct candidate for the Bayreuth constituency, Tim Pargent achieved his first national success in the Bavarian state elections in 2018. As Upper Franconia's top candidate in second place on the list, he won one of the two Upper Franconian state parliament mandates of the Greens. With a share of 14.35% of the first and 15.20% of the second votes, Pargent received the second-most votes in the Bayreuth district behind the CSU candidate Gudrun Brendel-Fischer. The result of 20.15% of the first votes in the city of Bayreuth was particularly remarkable.

Political positions

Tim Pargent entered the state election campaign in 2018 with three key demands: a social education policy in Bavaria, an end to land consumption and a lowering of the voting age.

As the financial policy spokesman for his parliamentary group, Pargent calls for a socially fair tax and budget policy in the state parliament, as well as the fight against organized financial crime. He is also committed to sustainable tourism and an expansion of the transport infrastructure in his rural home region of Upper Franconia.


In addition to membership of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and the Green Youth, Tim Pargent is also a member of the Bund Naturschutz (Bayreuth district group) and Greenpeace.

In the field of sport, he is a member of the hockey department of the Bayreuth Turnerschaft (BTS) and the canoe department of the Bayreuth Swimming Club (SVB). At SVB, Pargent was also an assessor on the board from 2012 to 2018. He is also a member of the Friends of the Humanist Gymnasium Bayreuth eV (Association of Friends of the GCE).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brief portrait: Tim Pargent . ( gruene-oberfranken.de [accessed on October 16, 2018]).
  2. Süddeutsche Zeitung: Greens choose Lettenbauer's successor. Retrieved November 27, 2019 .
  3. Norbayerischer Courier Germany: City Council Bayreuth: Tim Pargent (Green) resigns City Council mandate - North Kurier. Retrieved June 24, 2020 .
  4. http://online-dienste.bayreuth.de/wahlen/Stadtratswahlen/2014/462000_000053/0004620000000_GRUENE.html
  5. Nordbayerischer Kurier, Germany: Premiere for Tim Pargent (21): He wants more intergenerational justice: Bayreuth: Christmas wishes from the youngest city council - Nordbayerischer Kurier . ( nordbayerischer-kurier.de [accessed on October 23, 2018]).
  6. https://www.nordbayerischer-kurier.de/inhalt.so-hat-die-region-gewaehlt-verbindungen-der-landtagswahl-fuer-bayreuth-und-kulmbach.c949fd82-8590-415e-8d5f-6671420ccfe7.html
  7. http://pargent.fuer-die-gruenen.de/positionen/
  8. My work in the state parliament | Tim Pargent, MdL. Retrieved November 27, 2019 .
  9. My Upper Franconia | Tim Pargent, MdL. Retrieved November 27, 2019 .