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Timocleia in a painting by Elisabetta Sirani

Timokleia ( Greek  Τιμόκλεια ) was the sister of Theagenes of Boeotia , who died in the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. Fallen commander of the holy band of the Thebans .

Thebes revolted against the Macedonian garrison established after the lost battle in 335 BC. After the death of Philip II , but was defeated by Alexander the great . At the false news of his death an open uprising broke out, which the Thebans also held on to when the Macedonians appeared before Thebes. After the conquest of the city that followed, Timokleia was raped by a Thracian captain. When he asked her about valuables, she led him to a well, pushed him into it, and threw heavy stones at him until he was dead. She was arrested and brought before Alexander, who admired her courage and gave her and her family freedom.

The story of Timoklei has been a theme in art and theater since the Renaissance .


  • Plutarch , Alexander 12
  • Plutarch, Mulierum virtutes 24 (= Moralia 259d – 260d)
  • Polyainos , Strategemata 8.40
  • Zonaras 4,185 b


Web links

Commons : Timoklea  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files